Part 38

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-Your Pov-

You stood at the alter, breath in your throat, waiting to see Raven. You had never pictured her as being superstitious, and yet she had insisted that you couldn't see her today, not wanting the wedding to be cursed with bad luck, and you had chuckled at this. Not wanting to argue a point like that, you had agreed and then spent the day in anticipation of this moment. Any minute now, Raven was going to walk down the isle and the two of you were going to be married. Every time you think you've gotten used to that fact, it baffles you all over again, and really how could it not? Within the hour, you were going to be married to Raven Branwen. That would maybe never get less mystical to think.

Behind you stood Kali and Ghira. The two of them had agreed to come from Menagerie, wanting both to see their daughter, and get caught up with you after all this time. You had initially worried that the two of them were going to be angry with you, but to your surprise had been calm and happy to see you. The both of them were chieftains in Menagerie, and so they had agreed to be the ones who wed you.

To the left and right of you stood the bridesmaids and groomsmen, the friends Yang and Blake had made at their time at Beacon, their fellow team mates and JNPR. Blake and Yang smiled at each other from opposite ends of the alter, Blake taking the position of the best man, and Yang being the maid of honor. The four of you had all talked about this, and this was what you had all agreed on, wanting both of your daughters to have important roles in this.

Your niece, Ruby walks down the path and scatters flowers down the isle, and you smile when you see her energy and enthusiasm, and how full of life she is. When she finishes her path, 'Here comes the bride,' begins to play, and the audience stands up. Your heart begins to beat out of it's chest, and you wait with anticipation to see Raven.

She walks in, and you heart stops before resuming its rapid pace. She looks beautiful, which you suppose shouldn't surprise you. Raven could walk down the isle in a tank top and sweatpants, and still be the most beautiful girl in the entire room. Still though, you allowed the feeling of surprise to wash over you, as you once again had the lovely realization that she was going to be your wife.

Qrow walks her in, and then stops and lets go of her. The two of them hesitate for a minute, before saying that they both love each other, and then Raven walks onto the alter with you, and laces your hands with hers. Ghira smiles when he sees this, as Kali laces her arm around his, and then Ghira begins to read from his book.

As he starts to read, your eyes begin to well with tears, as you remember everything that brought you to this point. The tears only get worse when you the ethereal form of Summer Rose, walking down the isle with your wedding rings. You could only imagine how much of her energy this was using, but you smiled when you saw her. It was only right she was here. When she gets to the altar, Kali holds the rings for her, and Summer takes the time to breathe heavily. Having a physical presence drains her Ghira smiles and then asks the two of you to go through your vows.

" You know me better than anyone in the world, and yet you fell in love with me anyways. You are my best friend, and my one true love. I vow to always be there for you, and to never lose the spark. I vow to protect you like a brother, care for you like a parent, know you like a friend, and love you. I vow to speak words of encouragement when you need them, and love you silently when they aren't. I love you Raven," you tell her, tears of joy dripping down your face, and to your surprise, tears are also in her eyes.

" I still remember when you asked me if I believed in soulmates, and your reaction when I said I didn't. I'll never forget your reaction, shocked and hurt I didn't believe we were soulmates. But your love made me believe in them (y/n). I see these less as 'vows,' and more as 'privileges.' I get to laugh with you, cry with you, hold you, build a life and future with you. I love you so much," she says.

" Do you Raven Branwen, take (y/n) Rose to be your lawfully wedded husband to have, and to hold him for better or worse in rich or poor, sickness or health, til death do you part," asks Ghira, and then Raven nods at him, and manages to choke out that she does.

" Do you, (y/n) Rose, take Raven Branwen to be your lawfully wedded wife to have, and to hold her for better or worse in rich of poor, sickness or health, til death do you part," he then asks you, and you smile.

" I do," you tell him, words you wanted to say to her ever since the two of you started dating. Ghira smiles, and then closes his book.

" I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The second he says this, you kiss her, and she returns the kiss, throwing the flowers she held into the audience.

As you kiss her, the world melts away from you. You're 17 again, on your first date with Raven. And then you're 24, heartbroken to hear she and Tai are engaged. You're 26, traveling the world to find her. You're 28, standing at your sister's grave. And then suddenly, the world comes back. You're 34, marrying Raven. And there's nowhere else you'd rather be.

( let me know what you thought.)

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