Part 33

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-Your Pov-

You stand with Blake, Yang and Ruby. Closing your eyes, you activate the power of silver-eyes, and the three of them take a step back. " Ruby, you'll figure out how to do this in time. And, maybe you will too Blake. Just give me a few minutes. I have to reach through the nexus, and find Summer." She nods, and in no time at all, you find your older sister, and reach out to her. She smiles, and takes your hand before she appears in front of you. She hugs you, and then offers a warm smile at the four of you.

" Mom?! I can see you! You're really blurry, but I can see you," says Ruby, getting really excited. Her eyes don't glow like yours, but you figure it makes sense she could see Summer, but not well. Seeing the joy on both of their faces, you smile for both your niece, and your sister. The two of them have been separated for far too long.

" I can tell someone is supposed to be there," adds Blake, which surprises you. " I mean, I can't make out any features. I can tell it's a woman. And her being here feels warm and safe. Hi Aunt Summer." Summer waves at her, and then Blake waves back. The three of you turn to Yang, an apologetic look on your faces. Without the silver eyes, she won't be able to see Summer.

" I can tell she's here," says Yang, with a small shrug. " I can just feel her presence. Even if I can't see her, I know she's there, and that's enough for me right now. It's good to see you again mom." You wince when she uses the term 'mom' for Summer, having promised Raven many times that Yang would be willing to let Raven in as her mother eventually. But, you see Summer give the same small smile.

" It's good to see you all again," she says. " And Blake, I just wanted to tell you. You're a beautiful young lady. I'm so proud of you. All of you. You've all grown into strong, beautiful, smart women. And above all, so kind."

" I missed you so much mom," says Ruby, wiping tears from her eyes. " I thought you were gone forever, and you were never going to come back." Summer smiles sadly when she says this, and walks close to Ruby, and places a finger on her chest.

" Never Pedal," she says. " I've been watching you the entire time. You've kept a piece of me right here in your heart, and I'm always going to be with you. It would take a lot more than death to take me away from my baby girls." Yang and Ruby smile at this, and then Summer begins to talk with all three of them.

" Can I get a moment to talk with my brother alone," she asks, and the three of them nod. As they go, Summer turns to them. " Ruby, I'll talk with you again. And Blake, your Aunt Summer will always be looking out for you. And, I love you so much Yang." The three of them smile, and then walk off.

" She really is beautiful," says Summer again in regards to Blake. " I know you already are, but let me say this for the record. You should be so proud of her. I'm proud of you for stepping up and being a part of her life again. And thank you so much for watching out for Ruby and Yang."

" It was never a problem," you say, and the two of you watch the sunset from the cliff. " I have to get back. Raven is going to be expecting me. I don't know if you heard. But you were right. She's pregnant with our child. We're going to have a baby girl. In the morning, we're going to pick names."

" I know," says Summer. " I'm proud of you. I know how long you've wanted all of this. A family with Raven. I wish...I wish I could be there in person to see it. But, can you promise me one thing? Can you try and convince Raven to come and visit Yang?"

" Of course. I'm working on it the best I can. Can you promise me something Summer?" She raises an eyebrow when you ask this, prompting you to say what you had in mind. " I'm going to ask Raven to marry me. So, I was wondering....would you find someway to be at the wedding?"

" Of course (y/n)," she says. " I'm never going to not be at my little brother's wedding. I'm so proud of you. I remember when you and Raven were high school sweethearts," she says, getting wistful at the memory. You take the time to look back at the memories, both good and bad, and know they all happened when Summer decided to set the two of you up.

" I have to go see about a girl," you tell Summer after a long moment of reflection and looking stoically at the sunset. She chuckles, and then pulls you into a hug. " I love you Summer. I'll be back with her after the proposal."

" I love you too (y/n)," she says, and then she starts to fade away. " Take care of yourself." With that, she vanishes completely, and then you tell Blake, Yang and Ruby to go back to Beacon, after you promise to visit. Ruby and Yang get on the bullhead, and Blake hesitates a moment.

" Thanks for taking me to see my Aunt," says Blake, and then she hesitates for a moment. " It was nice....Dad." Your heart breaks in the best possible way as she steps onto the bullhead. That's the first time she's called you that, and your heart swells with pride and joy.

Eventually, you make your way back to the bandit tribe, and Raven looks up from a big book of baby names. Taking a deep breath, you pull out a jewelry box, and get down on one knee. Her eyes widen when she realizes what you're about to do.

" Raven Branwen. I was a kid when I fell in love with you, before I knew what the word was. And my feelings for you have blossomed and evolved ever since then. Loving you has been this amazing journey, that I would not trade for the world. I will love you until the end of my days, and beyond. Will you make me the luckiest man in Remnant again and marry me?"

Tears well in her eyes, and then she pulls you into a big hug. " Yes," she says, happier than you've ever seen her.

( let me know what you thought.) 

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