Part 34

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-Raven Pov-

I sit in the bar with Qrow, and the two of us try to control our anger, but the both of us know that this conversation probably isn't going to be friendly. " You know, your daughter could have used your help on the train," he says eventually, which makes me open my mouth to try and point out I saved her, but he holds up a hand to silence me. " You're her mother. It shouldn't be some novel thing when you save her. You shouldn't have to act like you were putting yourself out."

" I want her to be strong," I say, and I watch Qrow roll his eyes. " If she couldn't have beaten Neo, then she won't be able to defend herself from everything else in the world. I want her to be able to defend herself. I don't want her to be crushed by the world."

" Raven, she can fight her way out of most situations. If making her strong was your only goal, then congratulations. But, do you know anything about her?" I tell him I do, and he spreads his arms, inviting me to answer like a challenge.

" She's 17 years old, and a first year at Beacon. She's part of Team RWBY, and her favorite class is combat. She spends her time doing work on her motorcycle, and picking fights at Junior's bar. And, she's in a relationship with (y/n)'s daughter, Blake." I say this last bit, and then his eyes widen.

" Wait. Blake is (y/n)'s daughter," he asks, and then I nod, and Qrow starts to rub his head. " When the hell did that happen? You know what, not important. If you know this about Yang, then why don't you visit her? You know she's looking for you even til this day."

" I know she is. And, I'm going to go to her soon," I say, and this makes his eyes narrow with suspicion. " I mean it Qrow. know (y/n) found me right? He and I went back to the bandit tribe together, and....I'm pregnant with his child. He proposed to me last night, and we're going to get married. I wanted to ask you to be at my wedding. Our parents passed away, so you're the last family member I have. I wanted you to walk me down the aisle."

His eyes widen, and then he smiles a little bit. " Well, we may have our issues. We may fight a lot, and I may disagree with everything you've been doing lately, and a lot of the things you've done before." He smirks when he sees my face fall, and then he takes a shot. " But, you're still my sister Raven. I'm always going to want to be at your wedding." As he says this, he pours me a shot, and the two of us begin to drink.

-Your Pov-

You stand at Summer's grave, and then wait for her to arrive. " Hey (y/n)," she says. " Thank you for bringing the girls by the other day. It was nice to talk to all of them again. Do you think you could bring them again soon?"

" Of course Summer. They all enjoyed talking to you, so I'll bring them by. Oh, and Blake called me 'Dad' for the first time yesterday," you tell her, and she gets really excited. " So, that made my day. I have more good news though. Raven and I are gonna get married."

" Really?! That's amazing (y/n)," she says, and then begins to run circles around you and ask questions. You do your best to answer them all, and then she stops after a moment to get serious. " I mean it (y/n). This is amazing."

" Thank you. And, I mean it. Not just...for being the best older sister I could have asked for. This wouldn't have been possible if you hadn't set us up back in Beacon, and I know if I hadn't had you in my life, then I would be such a different person than I am today." She smiles, and then places a supportive hand on your shoulder.

" You don't have to thank me," she says. " It's just what siblings are supposed to do for each other. Tell Raven I said 'congratulations' and that my threat about taking care of you still applies. Like I told Ruby, I'm always gonna be looking out for my little brother."

" Thank you. Hey, when I came here the first time and you talked to me, you mentioned it was difficult for your spirit to leave the place you were buried. Do you think you're strong enough to leave long enough to be at my wedding?" You ask this, and she rests her hand on your shoulder, and gives another squeeze.

" I'm your sister," she reminds you. " There isn't anything that would stop be from being at your wedding."

-Kali Pov-

I sit at home and read from a book, and then my scroll rings. I look over, to see a text from Blake.

Blake: Hey mom. I finally met (y/n). I'm sorry I doubted you about him. He's just like you said he was. He's a great guy. I'm glad he's my father.

Me: He called to tell me you called him 'Dad' for the first time, and he was so happy to say it. I talked with Ghira, and he's talking with (y/n) right now. Do you wanna take his last name since he's your birth father?

Blake: I'll think about it. But, can you tell Ghira he's still a father to me?

Kali: Of course dear.

Blake: I wanted to talk to you for (y/n). He found Raven, the woman he had been looking for. The two of them are going to have a child.

Kali: You always wanted a sister.

Blake: Yeah. But, the two of them are getting married, and he wanted me to invite you and Ghira.

Kali: Of course we'll be there dear.

I set down my scroll, happy. Happy to know Blake made peace with her father, happy Ghira will still have a role in her life. And, happy (y/n) found the one he loved.

( let me know what you thought.) 

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