Part 25

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-Yang Pov-

I sit with (y/n) outside of the dorms, and then try to get Blake to open up. However, the door is locked, and she either is ignoring us or pretending she can't hear us. " I deserved that," (y/n) says again, referring to how the door was slammed in his face. I nod at his comment, and then he sighs and stands up. " I'll try again later," he says to me. " I'm going to see Ruby. She wanted to show me around Vale, and have me meet some of her friends like Weiss and Team JNPR."

Nodding, he walks off, and then I know what I have to do, both for him and for Blake. " Let me in," I tell her. " I need to talk to you about something." Silence. " It's just me Blake. (y/n) left to go spend time with Ruby."

" He's leaving again," says Blake. " How surprising. So, why does he spend time with her, instead of his other daughters, me and you?" My eyes widen as I realize what she said. She thinks me and Ruby are (y/n)'s daughters?

" I'm not his daughter," I tell her, and I hear her scoff. " And neither is Ruby. Blake, (y/n) had a sister named Summer. She was the one who gave birth to Ruby. And, Ruby and I are half-sisters. Same father, different mothers."

A moment of silence passes, and then I sigh. " Can I come in Blake?" After a minute, I hear the door unlock, and I head in. Some tissues sit in the trash can, and her eyes are tinted red. For all of her pretending to be angry, Blake has been crying. 

She tries to talk, but as she does, her voice gives out on her. She pulls out her scroll, and points to it, clearly asking if we can text until her voice comes back to her. Nodding, I pull out my scroll, and then begin to type. 

Me: He isn't a bad guy Blake. 

Blake: Then why did he just leave?!

Me: He had no idea about you Blake. 

Blake: Is that supposed to make me feel better? That he had no idea he got my mom pregnant?

Me: He's trying his best right now to be your father. 

Blake: Well, he can stop trying. He isn't my father. Ghira is. 

Me: I never knew my mom, Blake. I thought for years that Summer was my mom. It turns out, some woman named Raven is. And, I never met her. But, she's the woman who gave birth to me. 

Blake: I'm so sorry. But, why are you telling me this?

Me: And yeah, I consider Summer to be my mother. She is the woman who raised me after all, and that does count for a lot. 

Blake: Summer IS your mother though, because she did raise you. It's why Ghira is my father. 

Me: That isn't my point Blake. My point is that I would give almost anything to be able to have a conversation with my mother. I'd give almost anything to know why she left, if she loved my dad. I'd give anything to know the type of person she is, and why she does what she does. 

Blake: I don't need to know the answers to any of those questions. He didn't love my mom, he left because he didn't care and he does what he does because men like him are a dime-a-dozen. 

Me: Do you know what the worst part is about me never having met Raven? I will never know if I was an accident, if she wanted me. Or if she loved me. And, she missed so much of my life. 

Blake: I was an accident, he didn't want me, he doesn't love me and he missed just as much of my life. 

Me: None of that is the point. I'm saying that right now, your father is here at Beacon. He's trying to be a part of your life. And maybe, he's a little late. (y/n) is like that. He sends stuff like birthday and Christmas money, and sometimes it's late. But, it always arrives and there's something to be said for that. 

Blake: There's something to be said about him being on time also. 

Me: Blake, listen to me. I know you, and I know him. If you push him away, he's going to leave the island, and be back to his search for Raven. And, then the odds are you'll never see him again. He'll visit me and Ruby, but you'll avoid him then also. And, one day he'll stop trying with you, or maybe he'll die. And, you'll have missed your chance to get to know him. 

Blake: I didn't miss my chance to get to know him. He missed his chance to get to know me. 

Me: You're absolutely right Blake. He did, and he's here now for another one. Oum knows how much I wish Raven tried the same with me. I never got to know my mom. But, you have a real chance at getting to know your dad. So please, don't waste that. Not just for you, but also for me. Because I don't want you to spend your life not knowing him. I don't want you to go through that. 

Blake looks up from her scroll, and sees the tears that welled up in my eyes. She gently brushes them away, and then pulls me into a deep hug. I return it, and then she takes the time to cry as well. Eventually, the both of us cry ourselves out, and then manage a small chuckle. " Come on," I tell her. " Let's go meet your dad."

She nods, and then comes to follow me. In a few minutes, we find (y/n) and Ruby sitting by the water fountain, her eyes smiling as he explains some mission. To my surprise, Blake gives a small smile at this, before taking a deep breath to make her presence known. Ruby waves at us, and I gesture for her to follow me. Confused, she does. 

As Blake sits down next to (y/n), I hear her take a deep breath. " (y/n). I'd like to get to know you a little better." I can practically feel his smile. 

( let me know what you thought. Making detention work for me, since they actually think I'm typing an essay.) 

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