Part 40

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-Your Pov-

The wedding reception begins to die down, and you talk with Summer. The rest of the audience begins to pack up the cake, as well as everything else that hadn't been used in the wedding. Raven is in the bathroom to change out of her wedding dress, and you wanted to take this time to talk with Summer anyways. You knew how difficult it had been for her to be at the wedding, and you smiled sadly at the thought. Summer Rose had broken the rules of life and death just to see you get married. You always knew it, but moments like this confirmed it. She was the best older sister one could want.

" So, anyways, we're naming our daughter after you," you tell her, and then her eyes widen with joy and then a smile on her face. " It only seems right. You were the one who made all of this possible Summer."

" I know I teased you about that," she says. " But really, all I did was give you a chance. You were the one who took it and made it work for you. The love you built with Raven, and then the life you're going to be starting with her only happened because you had the heart you do. But, I'm flattered you're going to name your daughter after me."

" It was Raven's idea," you admit, and then Summer smiles even bigger, before she starts to fade.

" I have to go," she says. " I may not be able to manifest for sometime, this took a lot out of me. But, I wanted to tell you how proud of you I am. You've grown up well, and mom and dad would be so proud of you. You're a great brother, friend, man, father and I know you're going to be a good husband."

" Thanks Summer," you say as you hug her. She fades away in your arms, and then rejoins the silver-eye nexus. You smile as she leaves, knowing this isn't going to be the last time you see her. And as one door closes, another opens as Raven steps out of the bathroom in her casual clothing, a smile on her face.

-Raven Pov-

I walk over to (y/n), and then kiss him on the cheek. " Hey," I tell him. " Give me one minute please. I want to say goodbye to Qrow before we leave." He nods when I say this, and then he starts to eat some of the leftover cookies as I make my way to Qrow. I see him looking at a picture of Summer, and then he quickly puts his phone away when he sees me.

" Thank you," I tell him. " For agreeing to be here, and then for walking me down the isle. It meant a lot to me Qrow." He gives a small smile when I say this, and then he pulls out his flask and sighs.

" What can I say? Family comes through for each other," he says, and then he hesitates. " Take care of yourself Raven. The next time you and I meet, it probably won't be under circumstances as nice as these."

I nod when he says this, knowing full well what he means. He turns to leave, and then I hesitate for a few moments. " Qrow? Can I get a hug before you leave?" He smirks again when I say this, and then turns around to give me a quick hug before turning away and leaving. When he walks away, I can't help but be saddened for a few moments, but then my wedding ring shines, and then I realize I'm married to (y/n). That makes up for everything else.

-Kali Pov-

" Listen, I'm sorry I wasn't there," says (y/n) once again. He and I started talking while Raven went to say goodbye to her brother, and then he's been saying how sorry he is non-stop about how he wasn't there for Blake, and saying how if he had known, he would have been on the next boat back to Menagerie. If most guys said this, it would come across as an obvious lie, but I know who (y/n) is, even if we only spent a few nights together. He would have come running back right away if he knew he had a daughter.

" The two of you did an amazing job raising her," he says to me and Ghira, and the two of us smile when he says this, and then he turns to Ghira. " And, I'm sure you already know this. Even if she calls me 'Dad' or changes her last name to 'Rose,' she will always be her daughter, and you will always be her father."

Ghira nods when he says this, and then two of them look at each other for a minute, and then Ghira rubs the back of his head. " I never got the chance to thank you. Back when you had come to Menagerie, Kali and I had been going through a bit of a rough patch. The truth is, she and I were going to give up until she saw your note. If it hadn't been for that, then we may not be where we are today."

(y/n) goes silent when he says this, and then the three of us stand around in a comfortable silence, until I point behind him. " Your wife is waiting," I tell him, and then he turns around to see Raven.

" Shit," he says. " She's my wife. Oum, that never gets old to say." I giggle when he says this, having gone through something similar when I was first married. He says to take care, and then he walks over to Raven, and then literally sweeps her off her feet to carry her.

-Your Pov-

You carry Raven out the door, and then you smile at her, and she buries her head in your chest, and the two of you walk for a bit, and then your eyes narrow. In front of the church is a blonde man, breathing heavily. Clearly, he ran most if not all the way here. His blue eyes seem to be a mix of angry, confused and every emotion in between.

" What the hell are you doing here Tai," you ask.

( let me know what you thought.)

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