Part 39

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-Raven Pov-

After we kiss, the world melts away for a few moments, and then he pulls away only when he runs out of breath, and then he smiles with this look in his eye, and then I fall in love with him all over again. Something about the awe and admiration he has in his eyes for me, and he looks at me like getting married to me is the highlight of his life, and the shine in his silver-eyes is nothing short of breathtaking. The crowd stands up and then all starts to cheer, and then he and I look into each other's eyes lovingly.

When we head down into the wedding reception, I see Yang go around making wedding based puns to everyone, and then I want to go over to her, but I also don't want to press my luck, since it was a lot of effort to even get her to come down here. As I look at her sadly, I feel a hand on my shoulder, and then I look over to see (y/n), and he has a big smile on his face. " Hey. How's my wife doing?"

Something in the way he calls me his wife is amazing, and then I blush. He says it like it's the most wonderful thing in the world, and it is. This is the first time he's ever called me his wife, and then I giggle. " Better now that my husband is here," I tell him, and he looks like he's thinking the same thing I am.

He sees me looking at Yang, and then he smiles and then he cups my face. " Hey, it's gonna be okay. It's all going to work out in the end. Look at me. I never thought Blake and I would be able to call me 'Dad,' but she is. And she's thinking about changing her last name to 'Rose.' I promise you that in the end, it's going to work out."

I smile when he says this, and then the wedding band starts to play something, and then I smile at him, and then push all those thoughts outside of my head. " I love this song," I tell him, and then offer him my hand. He takes it, and then the two of us begin to dance, and then a wonderful thought enters my mind. This is my first dance with him as husband and wife.

-Summer Pov-

I smile when I see (y/n) dancing with Raven, so happy to see my brother with the woman he loves after all of these years. As I think this, Qrow and Ruby come over to me, and then Qrow smiles. " Hey Summer," he says. " I can't see you, but Ruby and (y/n) have told me they can, and I can sense you. I've missed you."

" I've missed you too Qrow," I tell him, and then Ruby passes the message onto Qrow. " It's good to see you." He smiles when Ruby tells him what I said, and then he rubs the back of his head, and he looks somewhat nervous.

" Wanna dance," he says. " All the couples are, and I don't want to be that awkward drunk guy who just watches them all." I nod when he says this, and then Ruby starts to help him direct his hands, and then I smile at her.

" Remember Uncle, hands on her hips and not any lower," says Ruby, and then Qrow scoffs playfully, and then gets a somewhat wistful look in his eyes.

" This isn't the first dance I had with your mom," he says, and then Ruby nods and then goes to find Weiss, leaving me to dance with Qrow. I look at him, and then smile, and then he returns it, and then the two of us start to talk with each other about how our siblings are getting married to each other, and then we chuckle, and I'm glad he's here with me.

-Blake Pov-

I smile when I see (y/n) dancing with Raven, and then also Kali dancing with Ghira. For a moment, I wonder which one of the to call 'Dad,' since I think for a moment about how the both of them are my fathers in different ways. But, I smile at how happy the both of them are, and I'm glad he was able to find this after all the years.

I feel a tap on my shoulder, and then I look over to see Yang, and she has a big smile on her face. " Hey," she says. " Where'd you go? I've been looking for you ever since the wedding reception started. I never got my dance with the best man."

This makes me smile, and then I hold out my hand, and then she takes it. The two of us begin to sway back and forth, and then I smile at her, which she returns. All my doubts about everything else are pushed away from me for a few moments as I allow myself to be perfectly content int his dance.

-Your Pov-

You continue to dance with Raven, and like before, the years melt away from you, and you see your life with her flash in a brink, before ending int his point, this wedding and dance you're sharing with her. And then for a few moments, you see the future you're going to have with this woman. The child the two of you are going to raise, the life you two will have. Tears of joy well in your eyes, and then she goes to wipe them away.

" I love you so much Rave," you tell her, feeling suddenly that you can never say it as many times as she deserves to hear it.

" I love you too (y/n)," she says. " To the moon and back."

The two of you continue to dance, and then you bury your head into her chest and let her hold you close to her. " Don't fly away pretty-bird," you tell her, and then she smiles.

" Stay in my garden my rose," she says, and then the two of you hold each other.

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