Part 7

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-Flashback Your Pov-

You stand with Summer on the edge of the cliff, and she smiles happily, and strokes Thorn Bush. " I'm so happy I get to let my baby do all the talking today," she says, practically giggling. You roll your eyes at this, and dangle your sword from your arm. " I wonder how our partners will be picked. Hopefully, I can just end up on a team with you."

" Yeah yeah," you say. " Although, it might do you some more good to meet other people." This causes Summer to playfully cut into you, asking if you're saying you don't want to be on a team with your big sister. The two of you banter back and forth for a little bit, until you see two more people making their way over to their launch pads. You saw the both of them last night, and both of them caught your eye for different reasons. The male one of them has a hardened face, and his scythe dangles on his shoulder. His rest eyes seem stoic, and his honest-to-Oum red cape blows in the wind. And you had thought only your sister would bother with a cape. Next to him is the girl who you assume is his sister. She had got your attention because she seemed so pretty and mysterious. Her red eyes also seemed hardened, and her black hair falls just a little behind her shoulder. She jams a large black sword into the ground, and stares off the side of the cliff.

You find yourself staring at her for a few minutes, until you feel Summer dig her elbow into your gut. You cough for a few moments, before turning to her. " What the hell was that for," you ask, and she playfully glares at you.

" You can't just stop a conversation with your older sister to stare at a girl," she says, and then you try and deny it. " Just talk to her (y/n). I mean, we're all going to the same place, so what's the worst that could happen?"

" She could hear me," you point out, having never had the best track record with girls in the past before. Before Summer can give you a reply, Headmaster Wilhelm came over, and stood in front of all the students. His hammer rests on his back, and you realize that the hammer is taller than him. This makes you chuckle a little bit, and he holds up his hand to ask for silence. When he does this, all idle chatter just stops.

" In a few minutes, your initiation into Beacon begins," he says, and his voice radiates a power from a lifetime of hard-work. " Some of you have had questions about how this process is going to go, and so I wanted to take this time to put all questions about it to rest. You're going to be launched into the forest, and forced to fight against any Grimm you may come across.  After an hour, we will remove you from the forest. Professors will be monitoring you the entire time, but will be doing our best not to intervene, unless your life is in danger. We will be keeping score, and assessing the number of Grimm you've killed. You will be placed on a team based on this, meaning they will all be relatively equal in terms of strength."

As he says this, some students start to nervously talk about it, and then a woman about his age whispers something into his ear, and then he looks back up at you all. " Ah yes. If I had one piece of advice to you, it would be just to give it your best. All of you have earned your place here at Beacon. None of you are going to be sent home today, and our staff will ensure no serious injuries happen." Nervous breaths are heard being released all around, and then the students start getting launched into the air.

Grabbing your sword, you smirk and wait to make sure that no student is behind you. You charge your aura into the sword and then close your eyes and concentrate.  Summoning your aura and Semblance, you combust into flames, and you imagine if you were seen from a distance, your fall would like similar to that of a meteor. You smash into the ground, and a pillar of fire shoots up from you. Picking yourself up from the crater, you condense the flames to the blade around your sword. Grimm surround you, your landing having caught their attention, and you smirk. Like your sister had said, today you got to let your sweetheart do all of the talking.

An hour later, the teachers follow through on their word, and have the students removed from the forest. You see your sister, and give her a thumbs-up. She lips something to you, something about being a show-off, which makes you chuckle. All the students are directed into the auditorium, and Professor Wilhelm makes his way to the podium, and begins to make the team announcements. When the two people you had been watching earlier are called on a team with your sister, you smile. Raven Branwen huh? Hopefully, your sister can get along her with, and maybe set you up with her in the future.

" And finally, for Team DRYV," he says, snapping you out of your daydream of your sister setting you up with Raven. " With the record for most Grimm eliminations, this will certainly be a team to watch. Please welcome Damien Smoke, (y/n) Rose. Yara Clearwater, and Violet Evergreen to the stage."

-Present Day, your Pov-

You smile when you talk with Summer, and finish the shopping. It was nice to recall stories of your time at Beacon, and remember a time which seemed simpler than this. You sat at the cafe when Summer went home, waiting for your team to come in. As you did, you looked at the picture you had with them. Damien, with his arm around Violet, Yara playfully punching him in the face, and you leaning against the tree, arms crossed with your sword jammed in the ground in front of you, doing the best you could to look stoic.

Putting the picture away, you stand up when four familiar and angry faces make their way over to you, trying to decide if they should hug or strangle you. You sigh, and then walk over to the, before getting happy to see your old team again.

( let me know what you thought. And before anyone says I did the team formation different than in the show: Ozpin couldn't have been headmaster forever. And, initiation would change overtime to make sure it wouldn't be predictable.)

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