Part 12

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-Your Pov-

Signing, you knocked on the door to Tai's house. You braced yourself, and then the door open. Tai stepped out of the door, a big smile on his face. He rested one arm on the doorway, and held out his other hand for a fist-bump. Smirking, you give him one. " Hey man," he says. " It's great to see you. I heard from Summer you were in town. Sorry I haven't come down to visit you yet. How have you been doing man?"

" I'm good man," you tell him, and then look around the house, looking for Raven. " Nice place you got here man." He smiles when you say this, and then starts rubbing the back of his head. " So, uh, is Raven home," you ask, trying to keep any emotions out of your voice.

He smiles. " No. She's on her way back though. Just a routine sonogram. Can I take a message for you though? When she gets home from these, she's pretty tired. They dump a lot of information on her, and then she just wants to sleep. That's why I stopped going to those things."

For some reason, this irritates you, but you don't want to do anything about it. " Uh, I kinda wanted to talk with her in person," you admit, and then his eyes narrow as he starts to wonder why you want to talk to him, before he gestures into the house, and you follow him in. He closes the door behind him.

" What did you want to talk with her," he asks, pouring you a cup of beer, and then sliding it to you. You took a drink, and then slide it back to him. He fills it, and then slides it back to you again. Taking another drink, you set it down.

" You know how my sister gets about things like being emotionally aware, and closure," you ask, and he chuckles, knowing full well how his partner from Beacon gets from time to time, especially about things that deal with feelings. " She kinda wanted me to get that with Raven." You say this, and he stops his chuckling and shoots a glare at you.

" It's been over ten years," he says, measured calm in his voice. " Haven't you had all the time in the world to get closure?" You shrug and start pacing the room. " I mean it (y/n). What the hell are you here to do?"

" I'm here to talk to Raven. That's all Tai. I just want to talk to her, and get some emotional closure. Then, Summer will leave me alone about healing emotionally, and then I can get back to doing huntsman work."

He pinches the bridge of his nose, and then puts his hands on the counter. " Tell me how you you want to get this closure. Because, I swear to Oum man. You can't just show up after years, and then drop the ' I have feelings for you still' bombshell on her. It isn't fair to anyone involved here. You, me, or Raven."

" Tai, I get it. I was a shitty friend for leaving you guys. I was a shitty brother for leaving Summer to worry about me, and a shitty teammate for taking off like that. But, you know me. I'm not a shitty person. I'm only here to start getting closure. I'm not here to ruin whatever you and Raven have."

His blue eyes soften, and then he finds a safe, tries to open it and then sighs. He punches it a few times, and then it swings open. Reaching inside, he pulls out a scrapbook, and then thumbs through it, and then turns to you. " Look, I know you aren't here to ruin this. But, you have to understand why I'm worried." You're about to ask what he means, and then he tosses you the book. You catch it, and then thumb through. At first, you're confused, it's just pictures of her with her team. And then you get it when you find a page that's pictures from your relationship with her. You can't believe she still has this. Your first date, the first time she let you hold her hand. The first kiss. The two of you spooning, with her insisting on being big spoon, despite you being taller than her. Tears well in your eyes, and then you hand it back to Tai. He sets it down in the safe, and then tries to close it, even though the dent he left is too big.

" She looked for you everyday when we figured out you were gone. You have no idea how hard she looked you. She almost failed her senior year because she was too busy trying to bring you home. You have no idea how many times she called you in tears, begging you to come home."

Wiping tears from your eyes, you feel Tai offer you another glass. Taking it, you slam it down. He tosses the bottle, trying to get it into the trash can, and then misses. Tai curses as it explodes into glass and goes to get a pan to sweep it. " So, get your closure (y/n). And, I hope you do come to our wedding. It would mean the world to Raven." As he sweeps the class up, he looks back up to you. " Just don't hurt her again."

" That's the last thing I ever wanted to do," you tell him, meaning it. He tosses the glass in the trashcan and then walks over to you, with another bottle of beer in his hands. " Thanks," you tell him, taking it. He clinks it together with his, and then the two of you sit down on the couch, making conversation. What feels like an hour later, the door opens and you stand up. Making your way over, you see Raven, and your heart catches in your throat when you see her with a folder in hand. She says hi to you briefly, and then turns to Tai.

" I stayed for a little bit longer, and then I got the file that will tell us if we're having a boy or a girl!" The two of them start talking excitedly happily over and over, and you smile sadly. Raven turns to you to ask what you wanted to talk about.

" Uh, you know what? Tonight's a bad night," you tell them, and Tai lets out a sigh of relief, while Raven offers a sympathetic smile, knowing why you're hurting. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you open the door. " I know you're baby girl is going to be beautiful."

With that, you step out into the night, and just run, not knowing where you're going. But, anywhere other than here is a good start.

( let me know what you thought. I also need to let you know next week might be a slow one for updates. I need to start the third quarter well, and my girlfriend surprised me with a visit. So, I hope you understand.)

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