Part 24

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-Raven Pov-

I fly back to the bandit tribe, making as much progress as I can without burning myself out. Normally, I would simply teleport back, but I need time to think and clear my head. I need to get back to the tribe, and be calm and in a good frame of mind. I don't want to lose my cool in front of them, and lose any of the respect I've gained with them. But right now, my mind is a maelstrom of different emotions. Confusion being the most prominent out of all of them. I suspected that the girl on Yang's team could have been related to (y/n), but I wasn't fully prepared for the fact that she's (y/n)'s daughter.

A part of me knew that (y/n) would probably give up looking for me eventually. Like Qrow said, everyone has a limit for how far they're willing to go for someone. For everyone except for (y/n), that limit had been two years. I knew that looking for me drained his life away from me, and took away so many options he could have had. Deep down, I knew that if (y/n) had been looking for someone, then he would have been able to settle down. If he had wanted it to happen, he could have found new love, someone who would cherish him as much as I had. He could have allowed his love for me to become a distant memory. Part of me had always hoped he would do that one day, not wanting to be the cause of any further suffering. But, another part of me had felt so special when I saw how far he was willing to go for me.

If (y/n) was being completely honest with Yang in the text, then he hadn't been in love with whoever he had slept with. I don't know how I feel about that, if there is anything I can feel that doesn't make me a selfish person, more so than people already think I am. On the one hand, it meant there was still that very real chance he was in love with me. But on the other, I don't like the idea of (y/n) having any sort of intimacy with another woman, and I hate the idea of (y/n) having one-night stands. Back at Beacon, he always believed you should only have that kind of relationships with people you love. Our first time together had been in our senior year at Beacon, because he wanted it to be special. Did my being with Tai, and then leaving hurt him so badly he would give up one of the most defining qualities he had? Did my leaving do that to him?

-Your Pov-

You feel your heart begin to beat so fast, you feel like it's going to burst out of your chest. There is a very real chance that this girl is the daughter of you and Kali. You wished you had kept contact with her on the off chance this could have happened. Mentally, you started to rapidly kick yourself, and you felt every sex ed teacher you had ever had rolling over in their grave, laughing at your lapse in judgement. This girl probably resents you for leaving, and you wish you had figured something out. You were far too in love with Raven to even consider moving on with someone else, but you still would have done something to be there for Blake. Take time off from your search for Raven, or stay in touch with Kali. Or, something. Something other than just leave.

But, you hopped on the bullhead, and you feel yourself finding some more levels of resolve. Like Summer, you had always wanted to have a family. But, you had thought that if it wasn't going to happen with Raven, then it wasn't going to happen with anybody. You had your niece, Ruby and you thought that that was going to be the best you could do, the closest you would come to having a child. And even if you're a little late to Blake, but hey, there was something to be said to making any effort to be there. You knew, you were going to make it up to Blake, if only she would let you.

-Yang pov-

The next morning, I see a bullhead touch down at Beacon. Ruby and I stand at the landing spot, and then she dashes for (y/n) when he steps off. He manages to catch her with one arm, and smiles as she runs all over him, and starts frantically talking to him in a frenzy. " You look just like your mom did at that age," he says wistfully, and then he hands her the thing of cookies he brought for her. Ruby begins to eat them all quickly, and then (y/n) turns to me.

We pull each other into a somewhat awkward hug, and then I whisper in his ear, " You owe me an explanation about your one-night stands later." He nods at this, and then the three of us all start to get caught up again, before he lets out a deep breath. I tell Ruby to go on ahead, not wanting to let her in on this secret yet, not wanting to potentially damage the relationship she was with her uncle, the only living relative of Summer.

He begins to talk with me, and then we make our way down to the dorms, and he keeps taking deep breaths, and fiddling with his hands. I smile at him, and then assure him it will be fine. When we get to the door, he takes a long hard breath, and then opens the room to our dorms.

-Blake Pov-

The door opens, and I see Yang standing with (y/n). I glare at him, wondering what the hell he thinks gives him the right to come here after all those years. The both of us were both better off not knowing each other. At least he has the decency to look embarrassed and uncomfortable. Good. He shouldn't feel comfortable looking me in the eye, he shouldn't feel comfortable seeing the daughter he abandoned.

He opens his mouth to say something, and then I realize just how little it matters. There's absolutely nothing he could say that makes up for all the years he was gone, absolutely nothing. And so, I stand and make my way over to him, see the guilt in his silver eyes. He opens his arm, waiting for a hug, which just sets me off even more. When I get close enough to him, I slam the door in his face.

( let me know what you thought. I wrote this on a school computer, so results may vary.) 

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