Sirius Black/ Confession

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You were a Gryffindor, in your 5th year

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You were a Gryffindor, in your 5th year. Quite a popular among the crowds of students, you were the girl that stuck out from the rest. From your smile to your laugh. But you never seemed to noticed all of the stares from all the boys, that were infatuated with you.

In Sirius Black eyes you were beautiful and he was infatuated with you more than all the boys combined. Their was one problem. Your last name was POTTER. Meaning you were James twin sister.
The boy didn't realize he was starting at you, til he heard, "Gross Sirius will you please stop eyeing my sister."

He looked over at his friends as he realized they were staring at him. Sirius gave them a questionable look.

"What?" They seemed to ignore the boys question as they began to tease him for his staring.

"He can't help it if he's infatuated with your sister James." Remus chuckled looking back at his book.

"Am Not." complained Sirius as he looked away feeling his face heat up.

"It's not good lying to your friends Padfoot." James patted his arm.

"Well it's good I'm not." Sirius Said matter of factly, though you could easily tell that he way lying.

Later on that week
You were with your friends and was roaring with laughter. As you put your hand on your guy friends shoulder for support.

One of your friends had made a joke, though it wasn't very funny, everyone loved to have a good laugh.
"Why did the Cookie go to the doctor?"

"I don't know, why?" You Asked curious of why the Cookie went to see a doctor.

"He was feeling crumby." We all laughed at his awful joke.

But however you didn't notice the stare from a certain young Black.
Sirius loved your laugh, your bright smile, the way your hair moves along with your body. From the day, no the moment he met you he fell for you.

You and your friends were now sat on the courtyard studying, well your version of studying. Which mainly consisted of them copying, while they talked to the whole group, trying to make each other laugh.

Sirius was jealous, his friends could tell, but what pushed him over the line was when you placed your head on your male friends shoulder.

Sirius stood up from the bench, this caused the other three to look up at him. Anger was radiating off his body, James had sighed, fully knowing what was going on.

"Sirius mate let's have a chat."
He followed James.

"You like my sister." James crossed his arms, trying to intimidate his best friend.

Sirius gulped slightly scared of what the protective bother might do to him, "no I don't."

James smiled again before saying, "Sirius I know you, and you like her. Just take care of her. Treat her right. Or I'll be forced to ripe your head off mate."

"Wait you're a with me liking her." Sirius looked gobsmacked at that, James was a very protective brother. Sirius has seen him scare all the boys that ever cane in mere feet from you.

James chuckled, "See, you do like her and yes I'm alright with it." James nodded his head.

Sirius grinned wildly. "I'm gonna ask her out right, now."

James nodded happy for his friend. James walked over to Remus and Peter and watched as Sirius approached YN.

Sirius P.O.V
I walked up to YN and her friends. I could feel myself getting nervous, but I had the slight feeling of hope.

"YN can we talk." I probably looked like an nervous 1st year.

She nodded and stood up. We walked to the corridor, both of our groups of friends eyed us from afar.

"What's up Sirius?" She flashed her signature smile.

"Uh- YN I need to ask you something, if you don't feel the same about it we stay friends okay!" She nodded.

"YN I've liked you for a long time, and I got slightly Jealous about your friend, and James encouraged me too finally admit that YN Potter, I'm in love with you. And will you Please do me the honor and go to Hogsmead with me?"

She grinned, "Yes Sirius, Yes. It's about bloody time."

"Wait Really." I stared at her for a second, slightly afraid she'd say she didn't mean it. Or that it was a dream and James would dump water on me to wake me up.

"Yes." She chuckled at my nervousness, so when I knew for sure, I gave her a huge hug.

"okay this Saturday, well meet in front of the school." She nodded and kissed my cheek before returning to her friends.

I walked to my friends smiling like an idiot. She said yes. I fell in a moment of bliss, as I sat down beside my friends.

"So I'm guessing she said Yes." Chuckles Moony.

"She said Yes." I smiled proudly at them.

"I can't believe it." Laughed James shaking his head.

"Me either." I grinned.

"Sirius just remember if you dare hurt my sister. I will personally drag you to the astronomy tower. Rip your head of and then throw you over the edge." James growled then he smiled, that bloody git liked the look of terror of peoples faces.

"James I've been waiting for this for a long time. I'm not gonna hurt her." I reminded him.

"But she'll realize your below her standards and break up with you." Remus snorted teasingly at his friend.

"Shut up Remus." I hit his shoulder as I continued to stare as YN, and began to plan the date in my head.

As I went over this in my head,
I had come to a
I fell for my best friends

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