Fred Weasley; The Day I Lost You

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This will be in letter form. And sad...

 And sad

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Dear Fred,It's been a month now, I haven't seen you in a month Freddie

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Dear Fred,
It's been a month now, I haven't seen you in a month Freddie. I'm just waiting for you to pop out and say it was all just a prank. But I know it's not. It's all to real to for it to be a prank.

No one dares tell a joke at the Burrow where me and George have been staying. It hurts to go back home, it was our home Fred! Please let this all be a sick joke... I want it to be a joke.

George hasn't been doing good, neither have any of us Fred. I swear when I see you again I'm gonna hug you to death. Sorry bad joke...

George cry's himself to sleep, usually I lay with him till he's asleep. It hurts even more knowing what he's going through. What we're all going through. What I'm going through...

I remember that day like it was yesterday, how I couldn't save you? How you saved me instead of yourself...

You pushed me out of the way as the wall began to fall. But I wasn't fast enough to save you. It's my fault Fred, it's my fault your dead. Me...

I'm so sorry, can we go back in time? I can fix it, we can start over. We can get married, have a big family, with more kids! Fred. Like we used to talk about, but we can't.

Cause your gone and ever since the day I lost you. I began to hurt, to cry every night, to not eat, and to lay in my bed most of the day. Me and George refused to go to the shop, but we know Ron can't cover all those shifts. And I would hate myself if I gave up on your dream Fred.

I keep seeing it, that day you were killed and I saw everything. Frozen in place as Percy chased down your killer. And I fell down holding you, hoping your eyes would open.

Why didn't they open? Why didn't you breath? Say your final words to me. I hate myself because I was to slow and scared to save you. Fred please promise me next time you'd open up your eyes to me.

Maybe next time, we'd grow old together. Maybe next time, I could tell you that I was pregnant. And maybe next time, I could finally say I do.

Like we planned, after the war remember. Now that ring lay sad and cold on my finger, waiting for the wedding band beside it. Little did it know there would be no wedding band beside it.

Looking around I know that at one point everything will be okay. Because I know you want me to be happy and not sad over you. You want this family to laugh again to tell jokes.

You want George to go back to the shop and fulfill both of your dreams.

Like in first year remember, day one me, you, George and Lee, the prank kings and queen.

Fred literally I have had a crush on you since first year. Then you tell me you feel the same in Fifth. Then you kiss me. Then you propose. And finally you die... in front of me.

Never to be seen again, well when you look a George. Your identical, when others look at George they see you. When I look at George, I can't because I knew how to tell you apart, I see the differences between you. So I can never see you in him.

And I know I won't see you till I'm dead. Fred, you do not know how bad I wished you would have opened your eyes and gave me a cheesy pick up line. Or kissed me saying your alright.

You do not know how bad I blame myself for your death. Fred I lost a lot of people, my parents, Uncle Sirius, nearly brother Harry. I told you Fred that only me or Harry were supposed to die. So why is it you and not me?

Why are you six feet underground while I'm here, staring at your grave. George says when he does his will be beside yours. This is my first time outside since your funeral. Are you proud of me? Happy for me? Or sad- that I haven't been outside of bed for a while because of what happened.

I'll be alright Fred, I hope I will be at least, I should get home it nearly dinner. And you know how your mum wants everyone on time, sitting at the table for dinner.

Just remember that I will always love you, and I can never forget you Fred.

Mischief Managed, YN.

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