Tom Riddle- Monster

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It made no sense, loving a monster like him

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It made no sense, loving a monster like him. You knew what he did, what he was! Yet you still loved him, because you fell for the monster that is Tom M. Riddle.

I silently walked through the halls with my chatter box friends, who couldn't keep their mouths shut for a second. When they didn't notice I walked away, towards the Black Lake. It was always so peaceful there, and quiet, just the way I liked.

Although I didn't no that I was being followed by him. I felt someone sit beside me, I knew exactly who it was.

"I'm not going out with you Riddle!" I said firmly hoping the boy would leave.

"Now why not?" He whined.

"Your a monster Riddle, your a bloody murder." I growled at him.

Tom only smirked, "Then why didn't you tell anybody about what you saw?"

I stayed quiet, "You know why Riddle."

"Oh right, you love me... Mr. Slughorn really does make the best potions. A simple whiff of Amortenia and you were confessing. You say I'm a monster but your the one in love with one, so just at yes."

"No, I will fight all my emotions, shot myself in the head if I ever go out with you. Your no good, jerk who uses his charm to get to others. I may have fallen, but I refuse to go out with a bloody monster."

Tom frowned as I slammed my book closed and got up. Only to be pulled right back down. "That potion also means soulmate, we're destined to be together, so don't fight it."

"I will do as I please." I tried to stand up, but pulled down once again.

Tom began to plead, "I can't go back in time, I lost the time turner. But YN I gave up my future plans for you. Please give me a chance."

"I know why you did it." I sigh.

"Why did I try to let out a big snake out on the mudbloods?"

"Tom, my family is full of PureBloods, who hate the very thought of muggles and Mudbloods. So you thought me too, so you ate to get rid of all of them-."

"Not everything is about you YN." Tom crossed his arms.

"Then what's this note, your hand writing, explaining your whole plan, to get me to fall in love with you. So your gonna get all these innocent kids murdered, tell me and you think I'll date you."

Tom shook his head, "Okay that was why, but also I'm afraid- o-of dying. It's the truth I'm afraid of that, but YN please give me a chance, I'll do anything."

I thought about it, "I'm really sorry but no." This time I got up hurriedly and ran towards the castle. I ran to the dungeons and up the stairs to my dorm room. Laying flat on the bed as I thought.

You slowly walked around a home that wasn't familiar to you, calling out a name. You heard nothing, so you followed a trail of rose petals, that appeared from out of nowhere.

You heard something, so you continued to follow the trail, till you go to the stairs. Slowly you walked up the staircase to you walked into a room.

A man all to familiar stood there at the end of the trail surrounded in candles. He held out a small box, inside was a Dimond ring. Gasping you walked forward.

"Will you marry me YN?"

"Yes Tom, I would love to marry you." You jumped into Tom's arms as he spun you around happily.

"It's good you did Yes to me in 6th year. I couldn't stand being without you." Tom whispered.

"I'm glad I did too. Remember the date of that day?" You ask.

"January 18, 1945." He whispered.

End of Dream

I woke up and immediately checked the date, January 18, 1945-... 6th year. I was gonna say yes to Tom today. What ever happened to shooting my self in the head.

I got dressed and went downstairs only to bump into Tom. "Tom, did you have a weird dream ugh last night."

"The one where we got married and turns out you said yes to me this date. Yeah that one yes, yes I did." Tom informs me.

"How did we have the same dream?" I asked him forcefully.

"Don't get all sassy, it happens when a couple is about to become one. Don't you ever read?"

"So your saying, we're gonna be together starting today?" He nodded happily.

"I'm so stupid how can I marry you and give in to you and your bloody mind tricks. I must be drunk of butter beer because oh Godric no, how can we no?! It's all a lie right, haha good joke see you next-." I was suddenly jerked forward into arms, strong arms.

It was Tom who held me, who's lips were now of mine. Who I had just fallen more in love with this very second. Slowly I pulled away.

"I'm in love with a monster." I whispered as he stared into my eyes.

"And I'm in love with a girl who loves a monster." He whispered back, before he kissed me again, and I didn't hesitate to kiss back.

It felt right like I needed to be there, it had to happened there, right now. Like as if it were destiny, maybe Tom was right we were soul mates.

Now I knew that even after what he did, I could still love him. He did it all for me, even if it was wrong and horrible, and he was a monster.

I would still do anything for him, I would die for him, just like he would kill for me. It was sick, and twisted but I still fell in love with the monster that is Tom M. Riddle.

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