James Potter /Remus Lupin / Telling the Truth

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It all began in your 1st year

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It all began in your 1st year. You had met four boys, who at the time didn't know they would make such an impact on your life. As soon as you opened that compartment door your whole world changed.

You became a Maurander, you had a crush on James. And the other three boys were sure that he returned the feelings. Though you didn't believe them.

During your third year you started to notice that every full moon Remus would go missing, it took a while to realize he was a werewolf. You didn't tell anyone, except him about it. You made a potion to help him during the transformation.

You named it Wolfsbane. You gave it to Remus and he said it helped a lot, so you made more for him to take during full moons. You and Remus spent more time together.

Neither of you noticed the glares going straight into Moony head. You were both trying to figure out how exactly the potion worked. What Moony didn't know was that you made a potion to turn you into an Animagus.

Now in your 5th year
You started to gain feeling for the boy covered in scars. When the potion finished you decided to ask Moony about it. You found him in the common room with the others.

"Remus can we talk?"

"Why YN is something wrong?" He asked you worriedly.

"Oi Remus does your girlfriend need any reason to talk to you. She probably wants to smog you. Then break your heart." Yelled James as you walked away with Remus.

You and Remus made confused faces. You looked at James with a hurt expression. Before you continued leaving the room.

"You need to tell them Moony. The fury little secret."

"No what if they go crazy and want to tell everyone."

"We'll Obliviate them. They need to know and I found something that can help."

"Fine." He sighed looking into my eyes.

You walked out of the room and back to the common room. No one but the three boys were there.

"Oh looks like the lovely couple are back." Chuckled Sirius.

"We're not a couple." Remus laughed at the thought. To which I hit his arm.

"Oh then why are you always together than hanging out without us." James glared.

"Jamie stop it she don't like you." Sirius hit James.

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