Oliver Wood: Part 2

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(I don't know the teams name so I'm making them up.)

We walked into the arena, as we walked to my teams area. I opened the door.

"YN, my child your back!" Emma exclaimed running over to me. I hugged them.

"Who are they?" Justin asked.

"This is the Gryffindor Quidditch team, this is Oliver the captain, the chasers, Angelina, Katie and Alicia. Fred and George beaters. And Harry the seeker. Ron, Hermione, and Percy are our friends. This is Seamus and Dean our biggest fans." They all got introduced.

Soon we went to the field to practice. "Hey Justin, can we play against them for practice, we need to beat them. Their a really great team."

"Sure. Go get dressed."

"Oliver get ready to lose. Go change into your uniforms, I'm gonna change." They nodded as I ran to change.

I came back with my team on our brooms, Seamus looked so happy. Percy, and the four

We got into positions, as it went like this.

Gryffindor started with the ball, I stole the quaffle from Angelina, passing it to Emma. Who scored passed Oliver. Katie made a score. Bradley passed the ball to me as Fred sent me a bluger, Mack hit the bluger towards Angelina, George blocked her.

I sent Oliver a wink catching him off guard so I threw the quaffle in the top ring. I sent him a look. He only smirked.

After about an hour we won of course. I laughed running over to Oliver jumping in his back. "See I'm better than you."

"You barely won." He pointed out.

"But I won, hey you should get to your seats as you watch me kick your future teams bum." I ran over to Justin.

The Gryffindors sat down in the V.I.P box, I smiled over at them. They all sent me pointed looks. I stuck my tongue at them, before going inside.

Soon it was time for the real game.

"Introducing the Irish Team, captain Justin, Beaters Bradley and Zachary. Seeker Marcus. Chasers Emma, Olivia and YN." We flew out did our fireworks the usual.

I flew beside Bradley as the other team kept sending me blugers. That was when a bluger cane flying over hitting Bradley. He wasn't injured.

We separated, I took the quaffle, from Emma. I then passed in back to her when she got close. We scored, I winked over at Oliver, he rolled his eyes playfully.

A boy from the other team hit me as I blocked Marcus. I side turned making him nearly fall. He kept bumping me, so I hit him back, but then another boy helped him, I slide of my broom. I held onto my broom, as people gasped. My fingers were slipping, and I fell. Zachary flew over and I landed on his broom,

I got back to mine, I flew towards Marcus, kicking the other boy next to him. He turned doing a full circle. Olivia threw me the quaffle and I headed straight to the rings.

I stared into the keepers eye as he was caught off guard because off my stare. That I flew around the ring throwing it over to Emma who scored. Then Marcus caught the snitch.

We won.

I flew down to my team as we cheered happily. The Gryffindors came over to us cheering, as they were V.I.P

"YN you almost died." Katie screamed.

"It's okay it happens all the time, I'm the smallest, so I'm an easier target."

"That wasn't a fair play, that should have been flagged." Oliver told me. "Really I'm not gonna join them anymore I'll join this one."

"Oh you'd do that for me, Ollie."

"Well... Yeah." I smiled. I hugged him, pulling back a bit to kiss him. I heard loud cheering. I pulled away.

"Don't join my team." I told him.

"Why not?"

"So I can kick your arse every time we play." I told him he chuckled.

"I'm not gonna lose anymore especially not against my girlfriend." He told me kissing me softly.

"Girlfriend or not, I'm better than you."

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