Pref 7: How He asked you Out

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Harry Potter- "YN get over here!" Hermione Yelled pulling you to a classroom and slamming the door behind you. You jumped looking around, spotting Harry staring at you.

"Harry, what what are we doing here? Why did Her-."

"Will you go out with me YN?" Harry asked in a rushed voice. I stayed silent for a moment taking in what he said, "Never mind this was stupid."

"I don't think it's stupid, and if the offers still up I'd love too."

"Wait really." Harry asked grabbing my hands.

"Yes really, I'd love to go out with you."

Ron Weasley
Ron had just got the Gryffindor team a win after he became Keeper. I smiled at him when I meet his eyes. He immediately grabbed me and placed his lips on mine. Everyone awed or wolf whistled.

"Will you go out with me YN?"

Draco Malfoy
I walked beside Pansy as she went on and on about how hot Blaise was. Though I ignored her as I spotted Draco. We continued walking closer to him, when I saw that he was holding Roses. I frowned thinking it's not for me.

As we walked Pansy stopped me beside Draco as she walked away. I stared at her in confusion before looking at Draco. "Hey Dra, Who are those for?" I asked silently hoping that maybe they were for me.

"Well YN, I have a question for you."

"But I had a a question first." I crossed my arms.

Draco smiled, "Well this is important." I just nodded, "Will you go out with me?" My eyes widened.

"Y-yeah, Yes a hundred million times yes." I jumped up hugging him, I nearly crushing the roses, but he moved it before I could.

Neville Longbottom, ( you asked him out.)
I though for weeks on how to ask him out, because it became obvious that he was to shy to ask me. But one idea stuck out to me.

I was going to make a little treasure hunt, when the day came. I had all of my friends in different houses help me. When Neville got to the end, he found me and I asked a simple question.

"Y-Yeah this isn't a prank right?"

Fred Weasley
"Fred where are you?" I called through the halls after I received a note from him to find him. "Freddie, Donde Estas!" I Yelled in Spanish. "Come out or I'll leave." By now I was at the pitch.

Immediately I noticed people on the stands, I looked around in confusion. Then I heard a boom, fireworks spelling 'go out with me YN.' In the air. Fred appeared on a broom as I gasped happily.

He came down to me, "So?"

"I'd love to Freddie, that's not even a question." I muttered before pulling him into a well deserved kiss.

George Weasley-, we were in the Great Hall during Study Hour, I sat at Y/H table. George stood up on his table, Snape glared harshly.

"Down Weasley." He sneered.

"Hold up Snivellus, I have to ask YN something." My eyes widened as everyone looked at me. "YN LN, yes you from Y/H, will you do me the honor and go with me to the Yule Ball?"

I blushed fiercely as Snape grabbed George dragging him out. "Yes, George I'll be your date to the Yule Ball." I heard his cheers down the hall outside of the Great Hall.

Roger Davies: Ravenclaw has just won the Quidditch Cup for 5th year. Roger and the team flew on their brooms, but he came to me as everybody watched.

"YN, will you go to Hogsmead with me this weekend?" I smiled at him, but felt myself blush. "I'd love too."

Cedric Diggory(pretend the Yule Ball was after the Second Task) : I had been pulled out of the Black Lake, Cedrics arms wrapped around now waist pulling me to the stands. Dumbledore announced Cedric won that round.
I gave my best friend a hug as Cedric hugged me, He then whispered softly to me, "Will you be my date to the Yule Ball?"

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