Pref 3. Breakup song

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I'm using songs I know, so sorry if you don't like them.

Harry: Somewhere Only We Know

How Harry has a special place in your heart, and apart of you still loves him.

Ron: Happier

He'll see you with someone new and feel kind of sad and waits for you.

Draco: I'll be Good by Jaymes Young

The song reminded you of what Draco used to say when he'd cry to you. You miss him and the song helps you cope.

Fred: Sad Song

Because Fred dies, he never broke up with you, he passed away.

George: Hiding My Heart

He likes someone new and you hide your feelings for him, like you did once before.

Lee: When I was Your man

How he misses you and he still loves you with all his heart.

Oliver: To Make You Feel My Love

It represents how Oliver had you guys play in all types of weather. You had a huge fight and broke up, leaving you thinking of him.

Percy: To Good at Goodbyes

He always said more goodbyes than he did Hello's. When he told you Goodbye it was because he was far to familiar with it.

Cedric: Cheated

He cheated on you with Cho, well you thought he did.

Roger: a thousand Years

You'll always love him and is waiting for him to tell you, he'll always love you.

Seamus: Rumor Has It

You had heard around the school that he's now dating Lavender Brown.

Dean:  Perfect

That's what he said, he found out your parents were Death Eaters and said your not Perfect. So this is your song.

Neville: Kiss Me

You were going through things and just wanted to... But you told yourself NO.

Marauders Era:

Remus: True Love

This goes so well, you had him, but lost him. And you want him back.

James: Personal

You found him cheating on you with Lilly Evans, you knew he never felt the same.

Sirius: I Hate You I love You

He didn't change like he had promised, he continued to be his cocky self. Making you think that he just used you.

Severus: I'm Still in love With My Ex

You still love him and want him back.

Regulus: Darkside

You met his dark side and well.... it's over with.

Tom Riddle- Little Do You Know

How Toms hurting her because if whats he's doing.

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