George Weasley: The One

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"George, why are you so mad about it? Fred doesn't care, so why is it so horrid to you?" I yelled at George as he tried to walk away from me

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"George, why are you so mad about it? Fred doesn't care, so why is it so horrid to you?" I yelled at George as he tried to walk away from me.

He froze and turned around, "I care because it was him who you kissed. You know how we feel about him, yet you went ahead and kissed him!"

I stepped back as George yelled at me, his voice was full of venom. I've never seen him like this. George face seemed to show regret as he stared at me.

"I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to yell at you, I'm sorry, N/N please forgive me." I softened my expression.

"I forgive you, you blithering idiot, I can never be mad at you." George smiled at me before I asked, "But why were you so mad? I kissed Cedric for a game of Truth or Dare."

George flushed looking down, "I um because your my best friend, we'll besides Fred of course. Cedric is the Golden Boy, He has all these girls in his tail, I find it best you stay away from those girls. Evil is what they are."

I scoffed, "Did you just Friend Zone me Weasley?"

George smirked at me, "I did, N/N."

I thought of something that I would probably never do again. "George come here." I demanded, slowly he came over to me. "Lean down."

George leaned down to my height, I went to whisper in his ear. But instead I kissed his cheek and ran out of the Common Room. I was in a fit of giggles as George ran after me.

"YN! I told you we're only friends, bloody hell woman, I know it hits to be friend-zoned by a dashingly handsome man but please." George tells me in a sarcastic voice.

I faked a hurt expression, I just walked away slowly looking down at me feet. "YN are you alright? It was a joke! Come on please you can't be mad at me."

"It's alright George. I'll just go make a boyfriend out of Cedric. He really didn't seem to mind when I had to kiss him." I picked up my pace as I walked through the crowds of students.

"YN, get your arse back here!" George demanded, I continued on my way, trying to get to the Hufflepuff dorms.

When I reached the dorms I played Helga Hufflepuffs tune and it let me in. I closed the door as I began to laugh at George as he yelled from behind the door.

Hannah came up to me, "Who's out there?"

"Don't worry Han it's definitely not Neville." She flushed red at the mention of her crushes name.

"Your a fowl git you know that YN." She hit my shoulder.

"Of course I know that, why do you think George is yelling for me on the other side of this door." She smiled at me before leading me to the fireplace.

I sat down beside it, I was quite cold probably because I was out all day in the snow with the twins. We never found Fred after he disappeared.

Three Hours Later
"YN come on its nearly dinner time and I'm starving." Hannah grabbed my arm and forced me up.

We walked together to the Great Hall, we sat in our usual seats, beside Cedric. Cedric and I were great friends, that's it! Everyone seemed to think we were together, but he's my best friend.

Only Cedric and Hannah knew that I had feeling for George Weasley. Ever since third year when he saved me from Flint and Higgs. They were being Prats about me being a Half-Blood and than they hexed me.

George and Fred showed up to save me. But George was the one who took me to the Hospital Wing. George was the one who stayed with me the whole night. George was the one I fell in love with.

I looked up as two people sat across from me, there was Fred and George Weasley. "YN, are we gonna talk about earlier?" George asked.

"Earlier what happened Earlier!?" Hannah asked.

"She kissed me." George said smiling.

"WHAT?! Why didn't you tell me? Details now!" Hannah screamed.

"I kissed his cheek after he Friend Zoned me."

Fred choked, "Friend Zone, Georgie you're horrid with girls honestly."

I sighed, "This is what happened... George got mad when I kissed Cedric, I convinced his it was nothing. He Friend-Zoned me, I kissed his cheek as a J-O-K-E. I left him there and ran to the common room as George yelled from outside the door." I took a bite of my biscuit.

"It was a joke, I thought you liked me." George looked at his plate.

"She does like you, honestly you two are blind. George you like YN, which is pretty obvious. YN you've liked George since third year. It's our 6th just go out already and no more stress, okay?" We all looked a Cedric who had been watching us the whole time.

George looked at me, "YN LN will you go to Hogsmead with me? As more than friends?"

I blushed, "I would love too."

"Finally..." Fred, Cedric and Hannah breathed out.

George grabbed my hand from across the table, I stared into his eyes as he stared into my (e/c) ones.

"Eh em." We turned our heads to look at Fred, "If your dating my brother I have some ground rules for you."

I nodded for Fred could continue, "1. No PDA there are kids around, 2. You have to help with pranks we'll you already do but... rule 3. If you hurt my brother you will be murder 8 times by each Weasley, Rule 4-."

"That's enough Fred!" George cut Fred off.

"wait George me and Cedric have rules too." Hannah says.

Cedric started, "Rule 1. Don't yell at her, she gets emotional."

"Rule 2. Don't hit her feelings, I will kill you." Hannah warned.

"Rule 3. Do NOT push her into doing things, she is my innocent daughter." Cedric explains.

"Rule 4. If you so much as hurt her, expect all these kind Hufflepuffs to turn into evil killing machines." Cedric and Hannah said in unison.

George gulped, I took his hand in mine, "Georgie don't worry your the one for me."

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