James/ Not My Time

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5th Year"Agh!" I sat up, freezing, I panted, why the bloody hell am I outside?! In the distance I could here the voices of boys

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5th Year
"Agh!" I sat up, freezing, I panted, why the bloody hell am I outside?! In the distance I could here the voices of boys. I stood up trying to walk, but I was so cold. My legs weak and shaking.

Soon the stood in front of me, staring at me, "Who are you?!" One boy asked coming closer. I shivered.
"W-Who are are yy-you?"

Another boy came closer giving me his sweater, "Let's take her to Dumbledore. She's freezing." The boys began to discuss between themselves, I fell making the boy with glasses and dark hair catch me.

"Im taking her to the Hospital Wing, Remus get Dumbledore!" The boy picked me up and began running to the Hospital Wing.

"Pomfrey! We need help quick!" The boy Yelled setting me down on an cot. A nurse came over to me and began to wrap me in blankets, before I passed out.

When I Woke Up
A soft snoring sound cane beside me as I looked at the boy from yesterday. "Mr. Potter has taken an interest in you, hasn't left your side for three days. Now Mrs. LN, do you remember your mission that Future Dumbledore asked of you." I nodded.

"I'm supposed to stop Lilly from falling for James and stop Peter from joining the dark side."

Dumbledore nodded, "What house are you in?" I looked at James and pointed at the tag of his robes, "Gryffindor, I have a bed set up in your room, and I left stuff for you there. Good luck."

Dumbledore walked out leaving me with the sleeping boy. I smiled to myself, I grabbed one of the blankets and draped it over him. He stirred a bit nudging his face closer to my stomach. I felt myself flush in embarrassment, this is my best friends dad! who's cuddling into me?! Bloody hell!

I patted the boy awake, "Do you mind getting your head off?" James flushes in embarrassment, "You know you didn't have to stay and watch me. Though I appreciate it."

James smiled, "I wanted to make sure the beautiful girl I rescued was gonna be alright." I smiled at his concern.

"Well thanks for saving me, I'm YN, now in Gryffindor." He kissed my hand and said his name.

6th Year
I sat beside Lilly and Marlene in the Great Hall, they were the only ones who knew that I wasn't from their time. The Hall was soon filled with laughter as James pushed Marlene to sit beside me. A thing that was quite common since my arrival in 5th year.

Remus kissed Lilly as he sat down, oh yeah I finished the first part of the mission, which was pretty easy.

I yawned leaning my head on the taller boy. Sirius chuckled, "YN wake up! You're falling asleep on us." I dug  my head into James shoulder who chuckled at me and Sirius.

Lilly stood up frowning slightly, "YN, Marlene can we talk real quick?" I nodded before standing up with the girls and walking out of the Hall.

I looked at Lilly concerned, "James is  in Love with you." Lilly said bluntly, my eyes widened. "YN, you have to tell him that once you finished Peters part of the plan, you'll leave. He's fallen and you'll leave him broken if you go..."

I sighed looking down, "A part of me doesn't want to go, but I have people waiting for me at home. But how would the future be after I change it?" I asked quietly.

"You can stay! Be apart of the past not the future!" Marlene suggested with a wide smile. "You can be with James, me with Sirius, Lilly and Remus, it would be perfect."

I sighed, "It depends on whatever happens next."
7th Year
I fell in love with James Potter, I didn't want too, because I'm leavening. Peter was now in love with a Hufflepuff muggleborn. He had vouched to protect her and love her. So he's hooked.

But now everything is becoming real I had to chose.
_ - _
I gasped when I was pulled into a broom closet, but the arms around me I recognized immediately. "James? What's up?" James didn't answer but instead pulled me close.

"I have feelings for you. Since I carried you in my arms and stayed with you for three days. And YN I want to be with you, do you love me too?"

James stared into my eyes, "I Love you James,... but I have to-." I smiled feeling his breath on my neck, he moved up and kissed my lips. He kissed around then went to my neck, "James, I I h-have to tell you some-thing." I breathed.

James kissed me, "What is it, Love?" He asked with a huge smile on his face. My heart instantly felted.

I looked down, "James, I'm not from your time. I'm from the future. Dumbledore sent me back to stop you from getting married to Lilly because your child put people in danger. And to stop Peter from turning evil and killing you two."

James started to laugh, "James! I'm being serious. Why do you think I was out in the cold? I didn't know you? How I was suddenly a Gryffindor!" James stopped laughing.

"Did you mean it? Do you really love me? Or was it all just for your mission?" I could tell he was upset.

I pulled him down and kissed him passionately, he kissed me back. "I love you too. But I'm not sure if I stay or go. If I stay I get you but leave them, if I go I get a whole new world and leaving you broken."

James looked down, "Stay. With me, Sirius, Lilly, Marlene, Remus, and me! We can be together. Happy!"

Lilly walked over, out of nowhere, "YN, you said it all depended on  what happened next. James tells you to stay and that he loves you. Make your move."

I looked up at James, "I'm going to stay... make sure my mission stays complete..." James smirked before pulling me into a kiss.

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