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Alycia has to leave to film FTWD but you get a surprise sooner than you think

She was there in our bedroom, packing her stuff to leave. I was so sad to see her back. I was siting in the couch and looking at her while she was putting clothes from the wardrobe to her suitcase. I knew it was because of her work, that she had to go back to Texas to finish to wrap the season for Fear the Walking Dead, I knew it was her passion, that it was her dream and that it won't last forever but still, my eyes couldn't help but look sad anyway.

I stood up and came to hug her from behind while saying with a pout:
- Why are you going? Please stay babe... I need you...
- Please Y/n don't make it worst...
She then turn around to face my sad puppy face.
- It's my job baby, I have to do this. It won't be long! And don't make this face... Please...
She was cupping my face with her soft palms, I couldn't help but melt in her touch. She pecked my lips before pulling me into a warm hug that I wish could last forever.
Few hours later we were at the airport for her to take her flight to Texas and so to the set. I couldn't hold my tears anymore, they were running on my cheeks as she was hugging me one last time before a month.

- Please come back safe babe.
- Don't worry I will. I'm in good hands with Coleman!
She said with a little laughter and smile on her face. Oh god how much I'm gonna miss this. Miss her. But it was time to board now. I was standing there and watching her leave with a heavy heart. I waited till the plane left for good before coming back home alone. I tried to cheer myself up my telling myself that a month simply flies pretty fast, that we'll call each other all the time and when she'll come back it's gonna be super intense and simply so good to have her back, kiss her back and hold her again.


It was already three weeks that my girlfriend was gone to set. I was missing her like hell but I was grateful that technology grew so much so we could be able to call and facetime each day.

- Hey babe! Wassup? How was today?
- Hum pretty intense to be honest such as tomorrow... The scenes are pretty huge to shoot and yeah... It's tiring...
- Oww babe... Hope you can rest well there! Just take care okay?
- Yeah don't worry baby! Oh and by the way, I probably won't be able to call you tomorrow... Hum... We're shooting by night and I'll sleep right after so... I'm very sorry for that!
- Oh no don't worry! That's fair enough! Then sleep well and wish you already a good day for tomorrow, hope it'll get well!
- Yeah me too... Bye! Love you!
And so she hung up. I was kinda sad so know I won't hear her tomorrow but well...


It was around 5pm when I got a text from her. I was so exited to be honest! It said "Hey baby! Sorry that I can't call you tonight so I made something coming home for you! I think it'll be here soon! Enjoy!" this looked so cute! I couldn't wait to see what she sent... It didn't last long until the ring bell. I went to the door to open it and see what it was and well... I thought I was dreaming! There she was! In flesh and bones right in front of me!

- Do you like what I sent???
Her smile was so cute. I couldn't do anything else than smile back at her and jump into her arms and kissing her finally.
- But?? How did you make it??? I thought you were filming tonight?!
- No actually we shot early this morning. I kinda lied I have to admit but so I could catch my flight to come back home for three days before going back.
-God I'm so so happy!
I couldn't stop smiling from this time. She was here again. Her perfume was afin at home, her soul and laugh filling the place again. I loved her so much. Even tho it wasn't for a long time but...

I had my girl back home


Here's some kind of fluff for you all! Tbh who wouldn't dream to have a smiley Alycia knocking at your door as a surprise? Anyway, hope you like it!

Alycia Debnam Carey - One shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz