Our Premiere

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Alycia and you go to your first movie premiere as a couple

I used to think this day was going to be our day, our freedom in a way but since a week my mind turned crazy. Alycia asked me few months ago to join her for her next movie premiere "A violent separation" as her date, she meant as her real date, not just to join her as a guest but as her girlfriend. She was ready to tell the world about us she then asked me if I was too. I used to be but now, the day came closer and closer and my thoughts weren't this confident anymore.

The premiere was tomorrow. My mind couldn't focus anymore about anything but this evening. As usual, Alycia was laying on my laps, my hand in her hair, the other holding my head. She was quiet, focused on the movie while on the other hand, my mind made noise. It was so loud that the movie seemed silent in front of me.
-Baby? Y/n? Hello ??? Somebody's there???
-Oh god... Shit I'm sorry Leeshy... I was... Thinking.
-About tomorrow?
I didn't answer, only a sigh escaped my mouth. She then sat next to me, facing me, her cover still on her shoulders, her natural curly hair falling on it. My mind shut down when my eyes met hers.
-Why are you worried?
-I... I don't know... I could do something wrong, something that could ashamed you or worst, not be good enough for being apart of this world...
-Hey hey... Stop would you? Why are you even thinking like this? You worth it a thousand times! You have no idea how many bad and not good enough people are apart of this industry... You are the exact opposite! You're too good for them! You are good, beautiful! You place there is deserved baby, I swear!
-You're an angel Alycia...
-I know... Now come here, relax, shut down these thoughts for good. Tomorrow's gonna be our time, nothing else. Plus we'll enjoy each other well dressed!


Tonight's the night! All these bad thoughts were gone thanks to Alycia who knew which word to use to calm me down and even today, she was there, supporting me, making sure I was okay. She put loud music to not care anymore but just ourselves.
Late in the afternoon, a team of make up artists were in our place to turn each other in beautiful, seductives and grown women. I could see Alycia in the corner getting her hair done, loose curls falling in her back, her face clean, a natural and light make up on. For me, they straightened my hair and put them in a low ponytail, dark brown on my eyes and nude lipstick. Alycia chose short dress, looking alike a long blazer, black, very chic as usual. While a silky dress was falling on my curves. We were matching so well. I have to admit that we looked incredibly good, I couldn't take my eyes off her anymore.

The car stopped. We were there. Alycia was still holding my hand, tighter when the camera's noise could be heard.
-Remember baby, you're good enough! By the way, for me, I'll open the door for you.
She said with a wink when she exited the car. I was alone for the longest seconds of my life until I heard the door opening, her smile right in front of me, holding the door and proposing her hand. I smiled back and held my dress to stand. The lights were bright, the flash lighting after the other, people yelling her name, journalists and fans. She made sure my hand was on her arm while waving at everyone, smiling. I was out of my life, trying to figure out what this was. I so smiled too, trying the act the same. She looked at me, a reassuring smile, soft eyes more than she looked at the event. She skipped her fans for a time so we went to the photocall directly.
-Alycia your fans?
-They can wait few minutes more, I won't let you alone already! Let's take some great photos!
We then walked there. The lights went crazy. I felt her hand going to my waist, holding me tight, looking to them but mostly at me. Her ocean eyes bright, intense. I looked back. We shared such a passionate gaze. I was dying to kiss her right now but it wasnt very appropriate.
-I love you...
She husked, the same genuine smile she stared to wear minutes ago.
I couldn't answer back. She took my words away. This moment lasted for so long yet so shortly. She so took my hand to guide us to the journalists to answer some questions about the movie. Their first ones were about it but it quickly jumped to the question of the night...
-Alycia, who's the pretty girl with you tonight? Everyone is wondering!
-This is my baby! Y/n! She's my girlfriend!
-Ohhhh Alycia Debnam Carey is not avaible anymore I see?
-No she's not indeed!
She said giggling, I could hear by her voice that she was still nervous but happy about this. We could now hang out without hiding, without worrying about paparazzis following us and ruining us by announcing the world our relationship without our consent.
-And so y/n ? Who are you? Who's the girl who stole miss Debnam Carey's heart?
I then started to answer, getting lost in my answers, still awkward. I heard Alycia's whisper, asking me if she could leave me to see her fans who were waiting for so long. I so stayed alone, answering these people, feeling more and more at ease. After that, I walked back to her, seeing her with the people who admired her the most, their smile were huge, I made me deeply happy to witness this. I was so proud that my girl made other people happy, strong. She quickly noticed me walking back to her, my dress moving as my hips, my heels clicking. Her hand was waiting for mine, to have me close again. I took it, she took me by surprise, grabbing me closer, kissing me passionately in front of the crowd who went crazy, yelling, clapping.
-Now you know!
She yelled, her voice sounding deeply proud and happy.

The event was a dream. The screening, the party. An absolute dream. We were back in the car to drive us home. Drake played so loud that even our voices couldn't be heard anymore. We were dancing on our seats, singing, enjoying ourselves. Our phones saving this moment with photos and videos, some posted on Instagram, some saved for us.
-Wait babe we need do to something!
I then took her hand in mine, holding it gently.
-Take a picture and tell them now...
A warm smile on her lips as she took the picture, posting it on her story

"now you know"


Hello guys! Here's your weekly update 😌
It's been such a long time that I wanted to do a red carpet one! This has such a precious place in my heart because we used to do a lot of short imagines with my best friend in high school about our crush... Old good time right?

Hope you enjoyed this!
Love you all, take care Xx

Alycia Debnam Carey - One shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz