Shower issues

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You have some plumber issues and ask your neighbor for help

Home! Finally! Another long day at work was finally over. After more than an hour spent in the bus and subway, I was finally home. It was summer, the transports were the living hell, people sweating, touching you, smelling like pigs... Ugh! I hate this! Shower was gently waiting for me, I already smiled at the upcoming feeling of the fresh water on my skin, getting finally rid off that day. Indeed it was paradise to wash myself... Until I ran out water and of course, still shampoo on my hair. I went out to see if the water ran out somewhere else, praying it didn't but of course my apartment ran out entirely... I was trying to find quickly a solution with my towel around my body ans the only solution I had was to knock on my neighbors' door... The first one didn't open... Nice... But thanks God the second did!

-Oh my god! Finally someone opened! Hum... I'm sorry, I have some shower issues, I don't have water in my apartment anymore... Can I use your shower to wash off that shampoo? Sorry I'm gross... I'm Y/N!
-Oh no no that's okay, no problem, let me show you! I'm Alycia by the way!
How didn't I ever noticed how pretty she was??? I used to see her sometimes in the hall but I never really payed attention actuality...
-There it is! Take your time!
-Thank you so much Alycia! Really!
I finally could take the shampoo off which started to dry. I quickly exited the shower and I realized that I didn't bring any clothes with me... Only my towel...
-Hum Alycia ??? Do you have another towel? I forgot to bring my clothes and another towel in the rush...
-Oh yeah, wait a minute!
She gave me another towel as some clothes as well.
-That's very nice but I'll just go home and put my own clothes...
-No no take them! You'll give me them back when you can!
-You're too cute thanks!
The door was slightly opened and wow, I think she just blushed!
I dried myself and put the sweatpants and t-shirt she gave me. It smelled so good! Like something between the sea and fresh flowers... I loved it! But anyway! I went out and thanked her again for her kindness and went back to my apartment but the thing is... In the rush, I didn't take anything with me... Like my phone or keys... I crossed the floor again and knocked again on Alycia's door.

-Seems like the dumbass I am, I forgot my keys and phone as well inside my flat...
-No way??? Come in, I let you borrow my phone to call someone!
-Thanks so much again... I'm sorry for being this clumsy!
-It's okay! You were in a rush, it happens!
Her voice was so gentle, so caring... I actually didn't feel that bad for seeing her again!
I so called for someone to help for my door but guess it was late and any servive was closed...
-It's impossible! Everything is closed!
-It's 9PM... That's normal I guess!
-Yeah but I can't go home! I'm working tomorrow...
I sat desperately on her couch realizing how bad the situation was. She then came and put her hand in my back, trying to comfort me.
-Hey it's okay! Don't worry, you can stay the night, I can give you clothes for tomorrow and it'll be okay, it's all okay Y/N!
Her voice was so smooth and kind. 8 could already listen to it everyday of my life.
I so stayed the night, we ate together, talked a lot, the time letting us discover each other, I was seeing how kind and an amazing person she was. I could feel myself already falling for her...


The following morning she woke up before I did to prepare breakfast. I was amazed because I was only her neighbor, we didn't know each other that much but still, I found the gesture adorable and irresistible.
Before leaving, I gave her a warm hug.
-Seriously Alycia thank you so much for what you did! That's just... Too nice! Thank you! How can I return the favor?
-Take me on a date!?

A date??? Okay... My heart shattered


Hey guys! Hope you're all doing well! Hope you enjoyed this sweet part haha 😊
Wish you all the best! And take care!

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