The Language of Flowers

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You dated Alycia as a teenager and had to break up for some reasons. Years later your past meets your present

It was a classical day at work. Few years ago I finally could open my very own flower shop in LA. I used to love flowers so much but acting as well. I told myself that if Hollywood doesn't work, I'll open my flower shop. I only succeed to be cast in few small movies and then nothing happened. It was an amazing experience tho! I could meet so many different people there... And I wish I could have been able to keep in touch with some of them... Especially that girl... Wow what a girl! She was only a little older than me, her features were so soft, almost poetics, she could've been born between some of these French poets' rhymes. Her voice was angelic, calm and sooth and her aussie accent turning each word into a vacation look alike, it was the kind of voice you wanted to listen every single day of your life. Her eyes... So deep, sometimes looking alike the ocean and minutes laster like the forest, looking deep into yours. She was mine as I was hers. We were young, passionate but afraid. We couldn't help feeling these clichés things in our stomachs but we were only teens in love and afraid of the world. We used to look like friends into the others' eyes but from the inside we were together, loving each other. I guess that the others got us... She started to get scared of the pressure, of the "what if" and things like that. I couldn't care less because I knew it wouldn't work that good for me but she had new projects to come, maybe fame with it and she was scared. It lasted few months like this until we broke up. The worst thing is that we were still in love, deeply, with each other when it happened. I tried my best to understand, to deal with it, to move on but you can't... I couldn't ans still can't. How can you move on when love is still burning down your heart?

After weeks of blue, I had to do something with my life despite the pain. I then studied for a time to open my flower shop. It was hard and long but worth it a million times. I was so in fond of my project and goal that it eareased slowly the pain away. The shop was going so well, people were coming back, complimenting my work, the shop itself. I was so happy that it worked, I couldn't be happier.


Another sunny and warm day in LA. I was getting the shop ready to open, watering the flowers, putting soft music on, opening the curtains. It didn't last long when the first customers started to arrive. People buying flowers for their work before going there, some others for lunch with their partner, some at night before going home. It was always a pleasure to see their smiles when they knew it would make their families or partner happy. I loved making people happy.

I was in the storehouse, preparing some bouquets when I heard someone coming in.

-I'm coming! I'm just getting clean!
I yelled from where I was before going in the shop itself. I looked around to greet the customer. It was rare that people come at this time of the day but well, as customer is a customer! I couldn't see them until the person got up at my hello. It was a woman dressed in a pretty yellow summer dress with small flowers on it. She then turned around to greet me as well and... I couldn't belive it. It was her. That same woman who got me heel to toes over her few years ago.

I couldn't help but kinda smile even tho saying this name again felt odd.
-Y/n ??? What are you doing here?! Gosh stupid question...
-I own this little shop yeah! I did what I promised myself! No acting then the flowers!
At this point she came closer to talk a little, smiling, me starting to sweat and stress out.
-That's amazing! You made this place a little paradise! No kidding!
-Thanks! Really! And what about you? I'm pretty busy here, I don't really and can't follow what's happening around that much...
-Oh it's been amazing! I did few movies and tv shows as well, it's doing good tho! I remember passing each time in front of your shop not knowing it was yours and always wanting to get it but I didn't have the time... But here I am!
She giggled a bit, putting these butterflies again in my tummy. I didn't move on... I never did and certainly will never after today.
-Glad you enjoy the place then! And how's your mom?
We chatted a little before hitting the final question...
-And with all of that? You had time for love?
-Well... No...
She looked at the floor before saying no, looking right into my eyes, full of sadness. I couldn't remember after the years the feeling of her gaze piercing mine. I thought that I would run into her arms and crash on her lips.
She asked with a sad tone mixed with some hope.
-As I told you, the shop takes me a lot of time, I couldn't run the streets to find somebody... So no... I was into quick relationships when I was studying but it didn't work cause it's wasn't y...
And shit... I was about to say it... I'm so stupid gosh... I'm looking like the poor girl who couldn't move on now...
- I couldn't too...
I was looking at the floor, too embarrassed with myself when she said these words. I thought I was dreaming but I wasn't when I cought her eyes, full of hope, sadness, showing a broken piece of herself. We were standing in front of each other for seconds, minutes or hours, I couldn't know anymore.
She then asked me to do a bouquet for her.

-Is it for a special occasion? Someone?
-Hum yes... Do you have some jasmine and asphodel?
-I do!
-Can you do something with them?
-Yes sure! What style? Natural? Classic?
-The one you prefer.
-Okay! I'll be back in a minute!
I then did the bouquet in a natural way with a lot of other vegetals. I came back and she had a card I was selling.

-I would like to put this with it!
-Yeah sure!
-It's 24$ then!
She paid and then looked at me with a smirk.
-Take them! They're for you!
-Yeah... See you soon then! Bye!
And so she left me with my own flowers, watching her leave before she turned around and waved at me with her smile. I stayed frozen for a minute before noticing the little card.

"One for my regrets, the other for my love"

The flowers language. The best for me to understand. I didn't know what will happen but I was hoping...


Here's another cute one! I kinda like this one the most cause Alycia and flowers is such a thing...
I was thinking of maybe doing a book about this story, would you like that? Cause this is so cute, I enjoyed so much doing this!
Hope you enjoyed as usual ❤️

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