Best Friends

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You always thought Alycia was your best friends but you were wrong

Alycia and I were the best friends goals everyone wished they had. Stuck to each other all the time, talking 24/7, sharing everything and anything, laughing and crying together. We were the happiest pair of the world. People sometimes thought we even were a couple! We were the best pair but at the same time, it was hard for us to let a simple "I love you" out, it was hard to hug or touch and we never knew why... Nothing could split us appart! We promised to each other that nothing or no one will... But guess we were wrong...

One day, after high school, we went to pursue our studies and for the first time, not be together anymore. It was hard, pretty hard to leave the person you loved the most, not being able to see her everyday anymore. It was hard for me but I guess she was dealing with it better than me. She told me she made friends while on my side not much... She told me about this guy who was trying to get her, to date her, she didn't enjoy him until she started to... She started to spend time with him, more than with me... On a night she confessed to me she loved him. I was broken. I knew what was going to happen. I'll be on my own because she will want to spend time with him which is normal but still... I knew we wouldn't be the same.

Time was passing by, I was holding on hard on her while she was leaving with him, changing into someone I didn't know anymore. I could only watch her fly away, I couldn't do anything more... I had to let her go, for her. I was the saddest girl when it happened. Smiling was hard, seeing other friends as well because they were not Alycia... I tried to move on but I could only months after. I could finally go out again, enjoy myself again, even fall in love.

Months later I knew why... I knew why we could never touch each other or say those three words. I knew why I couldn't do it... Because I knew deep down I loved her. But now she's only a memory, a face that I used to know and cherish. She enjoying her life on her own and me on mine. If only I knew way back when that she was my first love...

She would have been my first and last love...


OMG hi guys! 😱
It's been such awhile! I was pretty busy these last times, I didn't have time to update anything...
Here's a short one, a personal and sad one but well... Hope you liked it!

Btw! I deleted my Lauren Jauregui book (I regret it pretty much) and I think you can be ready for a new one! 😉

Love you all, take care X

Alycia Debnam Carey - One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now