All these Years

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After all these years, she comes back in your life in the worst moment

Finally on my way back home. Today was such a tough day. I was running a meeting with very important investors for the biggest project of our society. My society. Since few years, my career went from the lowest to the greatest. I started to build my own enterprise as an architect in my basement and here I am now, running it in the most beautiful building the city could ever witness. Just thanks of my hard work and dedication. I'm proud of what I achieved, where I led my business but still... There's one thing I left behind to build my empire, maybe the most precious and important thing...

-Babe? I'm home!
I let my bag on the floor then I took off my coat and my shoes to join my fiancée.
-Babe? Camila?
Then I saw her, laying on the big sofa, headphones on, getting lost on the internet. I gently put my arms around her from behind, I felt her shyly jumping.
-Oh god I didn't hear you coming!
-Yeah I noticed.
I chuckled as I walked in front of her, pecking her lips.
It's been few years that we're both dating. She's perfect. I never thought I could be this happy in my personal life. She's gentle, funny, deeply caring, incredibly beautiful. She's all I ever wished for.
-How was your day?
-I had this huge meeting for the big project... I'm pretty tired.
-Awww... Let me take care of you then!
-You're an angel! How was yours?
-I went to check few things for the wedding, everything's going fine!
-That's great!
The press was going crazy about our wedding. The singer and the architect. What a thing! People couldn't stop asking me things discreetly at work, trying to have informations... But I didn't care, I was marrying the love of my life in few weeks!

We were enjoint dinner she made, drank some wine, now chilling on the couch, soft music and candles everywhere. My favorite moment of the day. Then someone knocked at the door.
-Who could it be?
-I don't know... I'm going!
I then stood up, still my glass in my hand. I opened the door, a smile on my face that faded the second I saw this person I never thought I would ever see again...
-What are you doing here?

What was she doing here? After all these years? The girl I let go, told her to leave, too focused and devoted for my work, letting her go away like a fool I was. It's good to be an independent woman but definitely not after letting her on the road...
I broke up with her after a stupid argument I started... She was so in love and still, I rejected her, afraid of what the future would do to me.

-I know, I'm not very welcomed here... I was in town for a few and saw the news earlier so I thought I could just... Congratulate you?
-Hum... I...
-I'm leaving anyway, I just wanted to tell you that... Bye y/n!
-No wait! I think I have things to say... Really... When can we meet to talk? I need it... You too...
-Is 6PM okay?
-Just wait for me at the building... I'll be there.
-Okay... See you!
I watched her leaving. Her eyes were heavy. She was still this beautiful girl who now grew into a gorgeous woman. She still is this kind because I wouldn't be able to come and say these things to an ex who's marrying another...
She left me there, my stomach turned upside down, my mind confused. I walked back to the living room where Camila was checking her phone.
-Who was it?
-Your ex?
-What did she wanted? After all these years?
-She congrats us for the wedding...
-That was weird...
-I left her... And still she comes back for something that shouldn't matter to her...
-Maybe it does?
-Maybe yes... I'm going to talk to her tomorrow after work... I need it...
-Yeah no problem! I think it's good for you!

I didn't sleep this night. Seeing her after all this time really made me something. It showed me how selfish I was, how stupid I was waiting this relationship... But it doesn't matter now, I'm getting married in few weeks. I just need to talk to her to fix it up, to let this weight leave me for good.


I was in the lift, getting down to the reception, meeting her. The door opened and she was standing there, wavy hair, not as curly as the past, simply dressed but elegant. She was beautiful.
Saying her name again felt weird, odd.
-Oh hi!
She said, bright smile on her face, hiding some sadness. Her eyes didn't light the room as they did years earlier. Something went off...
-Shall we?
-Sure, where?
-I know a bar not very far from here, serving good rosé !
She smiled, I remembered she liked this a lot.

We sat at a small table, ordering a glass for each.
-How are you? How is you life doing so far?
I asked, concerned.
-Yeah... Work is tough, I'm a lot alone, I don't see my family that much... It's rough you know?
I didn't know what to answer. I saw how hurt and tired she was.
-And you?
-Well... Work is tough as well but I'm dealing with it, Camila supports me a lot...
-Yes I bet!
-Alycia I'm... I'm so sorry... I acted so selfish years ago... I feel so bad about what I've done to you... I... I feel like nothing knowing how badly I treated such a beautiful person you are...
-You were young... Dedicated to your work... It was hard but I understood... I let you live your destiny in a way. I knew that if our paths would cross again they would... I understood we met at the wrong time...
-I... I'm just so sorry!
I took her hands, holding them tight, feeling my eyes watering.
-Hey it's okay, I understood, I forgive you y/n... I really do!
-But I don't... I don't because I remember how bright your eyes were and how smiley and you're clearly not like this anymore... And I know it's because of what I did, how bad I treated you...
-Yes but that's in the past... Let this where it belong, go foreword... Look, your enterprise is one of the biggest in the country, you're getting married soon! Isn't wonderful?
-Yes... Yes it is... But I still will never forgive me for what I did to you...
-You have to! You're not the same today! You've changed, you've grown, you're different! You realize your mistakes... Now you have to accept them or you won't walk forward baby!
My eyes went up to hers as the old nickname slipped out of her mouth.
-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that...
I was just watching her, a warm firework exploded in my chest at the moment.
-Hum... It's late already... I should go home, Mila's waiting for me... I'm sorry...
I stood up, paid and left the bar in a hurry, afraid she would catch me. But she did anyway. She held my arm, stopping my quick pace.
As she turned me around, she captured my lips, softly, for few seconds.
-I had to... I'm...
-I understand...
And I left. My mind didn't think straight as I drove back home...

-Mila? I'm home!
-I'm in the kitchen baby!
Wow... For the first time, it didn't feel right in her mouth. I walked to greet her, a heavy face.
-What happened? You look like you've seen a ghost!
-She kissed me Camila...
-Oh... And?
-And what?
-Did you feel something?
-I don't know... She took me by surprise and I was so shook by the gesture... I... I can't believe she did that...
-Well... I do... She surely still loves you!
-How can she? I told her to go!
-Well... You can't command love... If you truly love somebody then you love them no matter what... I can assure you!

I was spaced out the whole evening, the whole week. She moved something inside that is slowly making me doubt about everything in my life currently and I hate that. I can't control it, I can't let her come back after years and destroy everything! She can't do that, but still... She does... After all these years.


Hey everyone! How you doing?

Hope you enjoyed this one, kinda different from what I already wrote!
Btw! Do you have any request? Like a theme, or a song based? Kinda like this one? More fluff, more angst? Tell me 😌

Love you all, take care and be safe Xx

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