Hotel Lobby

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You meet a beautiful helping stranger

Today is the first day, my first day working here, my first real client. Since a few I started to work as a decorator and now here I am, decorating this hotel loby. Many things were already here such as carpets, lamps, sofas etc. Today was the last day, the day I was decorating the last touches like placing the candles, the flowers... Speaking about the flowers, they were incredibly late and it messed up my whole planning such as the hotel one. It pissed me off like crazy because clients would arrive soon and I would still be here waiting like a fool because the flowers weren't here.

Many hours later, the flowers finally arrived, causing me to yell at the bad organisation and unprofessional behavior in the street. I then tried to calm myself down by preparing the bouquets, seeing the first clients to arrive. Then the hotel director came to see me, if everything was okay (which wasn't).

-Are you alright?
-Not really... The flowers just arrived and it's not ready yet...
-Don't worry, just to it right then!
-Yes don't worry, thanks sir.
He then left me with a smile, my hands working uncontrollably alone as I tried to make something beautiful.

An hour latter, everything was ready and I was finally able to put them in vases on the tables.
I was placing the flowers correctly in the vase when I felt someone looking carefully at me. A young woman was standing on my right, at the end of the table, her suitcase next to her. She was wearing a simple white t shirt, her hair in a messy bun, I could see she traveled a long time before arriving here. She walking in front of me, the table in our way. She took the vase and went to the bathroom that were just behind me and came back quick. I didn't ask what she was up to which I would normally do but her presence just remained me silent. She put the flowers back on the table carefully, gently. She then finally spoke.

-With water the flowers will last longer you know?
I was in slight shook, first because someone paid attention to me and my work, secondly because her voice was so smooth, so gentle and soft. Her eyes and smile genuine.
-Thanks... Really... But they're fake...
I said, trying not to sound rude with a chuckle. Her cheeks turned pink, an embarrassed smile replaced the old one, a small laugh escaping her plump lips.

-Well... At least they'll look even more real then!
She tried to make fun of the whole situation.
-Guess you're right!
We both shared a shy laugh when she extended her hand for me to shake, still the table between us.
-I'm Alycia!
-Y/n !
-You're in charge of the flowers here?
-Well, of the whole decoration and of the flowers yes.
-They're beautiful!
-Thanks! They were a pain in the ass to come but glad someone appreciate them.
Her eyes locked in mine the whole time, making my knees weak which was so unfamiliar to me. I usually was confident and mastered my emotions but now... It was the complete opposite.
-Well you did a great job then!
Her chuckle was the cutest sound ever.
-Well, I must leave now, I have to prepare for work tomorrow and we're shooting early so... I must rest. It was a pleasure to meet you! Really! I hope there's flowers in my room too...
-Oh yes, sure... Taking care is important right? Flowers in rooms? I have no idea to be honest...
I said embarrassed. She left, waving at me, her smile on. I felt myself melting on my spot, getting so weak for her. But this couldn't happen right? Or could it?


Hello beautiful people!

What a surprise! An update! But I couldnt not write this because I actually really dreamed of this! My heart melted as hell when I woke up! I invented few things but the main part when she takes the vase to pour it with water and came back while I said the flowers are fake was totally real ✨👌🏻 She was the cutest bean ever!

And damn... I could go to this convention in Paris in July where she comes but wow... It's so so expensive! 😭😭😭

Anytime, hope you like this!
I will update when school is over which is in three weeks so be ready 😘

Love you all, take care!

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