The Language of Flowers - Part 2

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2nd part

My memories which were by now so far away, looking grey, without any sound, only flashes were now alive again since Alycia came in my shop few days ago. I couldn't help but daydream all day. I was preparing some flowers to be put together into a bouquet when my memories got me again in the moment...


  After a long day on set, Alycia and I decided to reunite in her apartment she was currently staying in for the film. The day was already pretty long but I actually couldn't wait to see her again... This morning she sent me flowers again. But not the typical ones. Gardenia and purple lilac. I wasn't as an expert as she was in the language of flowers so I went to check the meaning of them.

Gardenia: secret love
Purple lilac: first love

  My heart started to race, my forehead to warm up, my breath quicker. Was it real? Did she confessed her feelings to me? That's why she acted pretty nervous today. We were close, very close. A part of our bodies was always unconsciously leaning towards the other to touch her, feel her, say that we were here. Our eyes couldn't lie, could never resist to search the other pair. Yet, nothing was said, we acted oblivious when people asked, we never dared to make a proper move but today she sent me these...

  Before going to Alycia's place, I ran to a flower shop to buy something to answer her. The bouquet was huge. I barely could see where I walked until I struggled to up the stairs to arrive to Alycia's door. My heart was beating fast, my hands were sweaty. I rang the bell before she came to open the door to see a giant bouquet where I was hidden behind. A sigh of shock came from her.

-Wow! Oh my god! It's huge! Thank you so much... Come in!
  She took the huge amount of flowers from my arms to place them in a vase. I saw her taking the card which was hidden between the petals, placing a hand on her heart.

"Here's my answer"

  She smiled briefly before coming closer. I didn't know what she was up to...
-Poppies, cornflowers, motherwhort and ambrosia...
  She husked. I've never seen her being this romantic and bold before and it drove me crazy...
-You enjoyed the answer?
  She didn't answer. She got closer and closer, looking deep in my eyes. She put her arms around my neck. I could now feel her breath on my skin, it was warm, soft. I returned the gesture by placing mines around her waist. She leaned in. Her lips kissed mines in the softest way someone could be kissed. The kiss was shy but full of meaning, emotions. It was slow, passionate. The world seemed to have stopped at this moment and froze forever. I knew that this moment was about to be the best memory I will ever have.

  The rest of the evening was filled with cuddles, lots of words and love. She made a fire in the fireplace which was in the center of the living room. We put covers on the floor, prepared some tea and worked both on our roles together. I couldn't take my eyes of her the whole time. Her curls looked flawless in the fire's light. Her eyes were focused on the papers. Her young features glowing in orange shades.

I was drowning. Fast and deep for her...


  I was so into my thoughts that I didn't realized that I cut myself with the roses. Blood was on my shirt and table. I cursed because I flew too far away and distracted myself.

-Is everything okay there?
  And I didn't hear the customer enter who was at the door of my storehouse.
-Yes yes... I just got... Distracted... You can go and look for what you want, I'll be here in a minute don't worry!
  I was rambling, focused on cleaning the table.
-No wait Y/n I can help maybe... Oh my god you're bleeding?!
-No it's okay... Alycia?
-We need to stop the bleeding! What the hell did you do?
  I was out of my mind when I saw her standing in front of me, worried about the cut, holding my hand. I had goosebumps on all my body from her touch, still all these years later. I found myself again lost into her presence. My eyes locked on her. Again. Like this night when we were teens next to the fireplace.
-Here! Hope it'll be fine now.
  She managed to find some tissues to put on my hand and stop the bleeding.
-Thank you...
-Oh it's nothing...
  She was close, holding my hand and pressing the tissue on my wounds, looking at it. I could feel her perfume again, her warmth.
-What brings you here?
  I said gently, looking carefully at her.
-For your flowers, what else for?
  She said with a cute giggle. How much I missed it...

  We were back in the shop itself, she was looking around to find what she liked when I was standing there, watching her being her true self, lost in the flowers which made her the happiest she could ever be. She didn't change that much from the old time. She came then to pay.
-Oh... Lilacs and gardenia...
  It drove me back to this night again, making my heart hurt a little, frowning my eyebrows.
-These were my favorite since at a certain time... I want them to be my favorites again...
  She was getting me falling over again for her, harder than I could remember.
-I wish as well...
  I was focused on packing the flowers in the paper, trying to hold back my tears when I felt her hands on mines, stopping them.
-Please... Look at me...
  My glassy eyes went straight to hers at her words.
-I didn't know that this place was yours when I came in few days ago... I thought that our together was over forever. I thought I would never see you again since you decided to stop trying to act. I was praying to see you on set, I was praying and hoping you changed your mind. I was trying to forget you, get over you. It took some times for me to try but I couldn't and... And here you are! Hidden between the flowers...
  Her voice was shaking, breaking a little laugh at the end, a baby tear rolling on her cheek.
-I thought that I'd lost you forever... I don't know if you moved on, I don't know how you feel about this but I... I couldn't stay here without telling you...
  She brought me to tears again. My love for her was burning bright in my chest and my eyes. We were across the counter but it didn't stop me. Her hands still on mines, I leaned across the wooden piece and captured her lips. The feeling was stronger than the first one. It was soft, wet by our tears, feeling impossible, unreal after all these years.
-If you knew how much I was craving to feel you again Alycia...
  Her green eyes were locked with mines before they went to look for a pen in her bag, then asking me for a sheet of paper.
-When are you free?
  She then wrote her address on the paper with her new number.
-Is 8pm good for you?
-Okay... Oh god... Great! See you tonight then!
  She then left before I called her back.
-Alycia??? Your flowers...
-Oh yeah...
  She finally left with her flowers in her hand and her famous smile on her face. I never thought this would ever happen again.


  I found myself as my seventeen myself years ago. Standing on front of her door, flowers in my hands. I knocked. She oppened the door again. The same exited and shook sight as our first kiss night.

Poppies, cornflowers, motherwhort and ambrosia where in my hands again.


Hey lovely people!
Here's a second part of The Language of Flowers! I know I asked you for you advice about a book or a second part. There was already too many elements in the first part for me to write an interesting book about it, so I made a second part about it ☺️ Hope you enjoyed it!
Some new projects are coming for you as well... Stay tuned!


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