Part 6

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"From how things are going it may not be very long till I talk again. But it may only be to just you I talk to till I get comfortable with everyone else"I scribbled down. "I am happy with that. it would save a lot of male wolves from being growled at for talking with you. Although I am sure I will still growl at them since I am territorial and get jealous easy" he said

I chuckled a little and he looked at me in awe and like he had heard the most beautiful sound ever. I blushed and used the whiteboard to cover my face but that didn't last long cause he grabbed the board and pulled it down. "Don't hide your face baby" I go to a crimson color and he grins.

We got more acquainted and I started to relax and become comfortable with him around. More than what I was when I first saw him. I learned so much about him and he learned so much about me. We found out that when the time comes to fully mate that we are both virgins which made my face go a bright red.

After a little while, he told me he had to leave to check on his pack and to make sure his Beta was not running it into the ground from the period he had control of it. I  waved bye and he smiled before returning the wave and leaving.

I signed and laid the board and marker on the tray table before I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

~Couple days later~

Dr.Carter said that I was free to go. So Jagger brought some clothes he said was his sisters and Dr.Carter's nurse helped me get dressed before handing me the release papers. I met up with Jagger in the waiting area and he took me to his car opened the door for me and I got in. After we arrived at the Packhouse he took me inside and I was so glad to see it was empty as we headed upstairs.

He leads the way to what I assumed would be his office but it turned out to be a medium size bedroom that had a door that was joined to his. I was grateful that he didn't tell me we had to share a room. Although he did say that he was not gonna rush me and understood that I wanted to go slow.

" Thank you, and I really appreciate that you are willing to take time with me and not rush the whole mating thing," I wrote."I know that you have been through a lot and I don't want you uncomfortable with me" he replied I wiped the board before I wrote my reply. " Thank you, Jagger. "

He nodded his head before taking his leave. I looked around the room then walked over to the other door that wasn't joined to his room and opened it seeing it was a bathroom with a shower that had a tub next to it."  At least we have a decent bedroom and the bathroom looks like it's not falling apart" Winter said as she too took in the room and bathroom.  "I know" was all I said as a reply.

I shut the bathroom door and went over to the bed and took a seat and stared out the window and into the woods. I saw some wolves walking about before disappearing "some of the pack members going to exercise"Winter said and I nodded  "of course" I said.

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