Part 12

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"Are you ok October you seem like you want to ask something but are afraid to?" Fiona said as she looked at me. I nodded and scribbled down my words before turning the notepad to her. " I am fine I was just about to ask a question but I don't want to make anyone upset or anything.

" You can ask us anything you would like. We won't get upset with you like Jagger" Fiona said "Fiona stop. what had happened between the two it's none of our business"Lucy said "but he came to you mom and asked for advice "Fiona stated and Lucy looked at her in a scolding manner.

Fiona sighed and looked up at me "I am sorry for that" she said so I scribbled down my reply and showed her. " it's alright" I tell her "no it's not alright October, she had no business saying that"Lucy said once she read what I wrote. I cowered away and my body bent down like a dog that is being scolded for bad behavior.

" Mother," Fiona said then walked over to me and gently touched my shoulder. " It's ok October she didn't mean for it to come out the way it did.she is use to talking like that with me and Jagger," Fiona told me.

Jagger's Pov~

I stood there listening and watching as my mother and sister talked to my mate. I watched as mom scolded Fiona for her comment then when October told her it was alright mom replied in a harsh manner which made October cower away and act as if she was an animal being scolded at for bad behavior.

I didn't move as Fiona jumped our mom's case then cautiously approached October and softly touched her and apologized for moms behavior. telling October that mom is used to talking to me and her the way she did.

October slowly sat back up straight but her body language was that of a scared person so mom excused her self and walked passed me. Stopping to share a look with me before continuing on. I turned my attention back to my sister and mate. I listened as Fiona told October what had happened to our Father.

Which is also the reason for my scar which is what Fiona told October causing October to gasp and cover her mouth. And from the way my sister is comforting her, I knew she was crying. I badly wanted to walk over and hold her in my arms and assure her that it's ok, I am fine I survived even though my father didn't.

That is why I got angry last night, It was nothing to do with October but the memory of what happened the day my dad passed. I tried to tell October but should run off and ignored my call, and she never let me around her since then.

I looked up and locked eyes with my sister as she held October close and shushed her in a soothing manner.

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