Part 9

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"I know it's just that I have gotten close to you which I have never done with anyone before. And just the thought of losing you scares me"I tell him. "I love how you are being with me and hope you will keep being like that with me for days and years to come. But this is more than just vengeance for's to show other wolves that when you hurt someone that I care about that it will not be a very good outcome for them" he tells me.

I smiled at his territorial reply and watched as his eyes flickered from his regular Hazel to forest green. It was a few minutes before the forest green color took over and I knew Axle was in control. "I know we are still new with each other but the way I feel for you is something I never thought was possible and never want to lose now that I feel it," he tells me.

I smiled "I love you even if we are at the beginning of our relationship. and I don't care if it's too early to say it or whatever" he looked at me and grinned before cupping my face and kissed me." I love you too baby" I smiled and deepened the kiss and felt him lift me up so he was no longer crouched down but was standing with me in his arms.

We were interrupted again by a knock and Jagger growled as he sat me down and went over to the door. "wha-" he cut off his harsh words as he looked at the person on the other side of the door. "I was just wanting to check on October, see how she is doing? "they said and I understood why Jagger stopped as he did.

I walked up to the door and smiled at his mom as Jagger wrapped his arm around me and held me close to his body." Well from the looks of things I interrupted an intimate moment" she said which caused me to blush and hid my face in Jagger's shoulder. "We were not about to have sex mom," Jagger told her and my face heated up more.

"Well I see that she is very well alright so I will leave you two alone to get back to not about to mate fully," she said and Jagger groaned while my face went the ultimate red. "Good night mom," he said and she chuckled before walking off and he shut the door. He pulled me closer and tilted my head up.

" I am sorry about that. my mom is something else" he said as he creased my face." It's ok" I tell him. He simply nods and takes my hand in his and leads me over to the bed and climbs in. I follow him an watch as he grabs the covers placing them over us then wrap his arm around my waist and pulls me close.

"Jagger, "I say and he hums in a reply as he looks from my lips to my eyes. "what happen that gave you that scar?"I asked and watched as his eyes darkened and he closed them and took relaxing breaths as he let me go. I mentally smacked myself as Winter scolded me "nice going October you made our mate angry" she said and I whimpered then got out of the bed and left the room.

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