Part 13

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Still Jagger's POV~

It has been two long days and restless nights that I have stayed away from October and that she hasn't spoken to me except when she thought I saw her naked which I did but I wasn't gonna tell her that and make matters worse.

I sat at my desk and did some paperwork till a knock came and my door opened a little and Nikolas peeked in. "Come in Nikolas," I said so he opened the door wide and I saw October standing behind him so I slowly stood up and watched her as he allowed her to walk in first. " I am showing our Luna around and I decided to show her where your office is if she can never find you elsewhere," he said.

October looked around the room as she stood close to the door. I sighed and sat back down and went back to work. Nikolas said something to her then the door shut. I figured they both left but when I looked up I seen October still standing there. I didn't say anything just looked at her as she fidgeted and slowly walked up to my desk and took a seat in one of the two chairs.

She took a calming breath before making eye contact with me. I looked at her and waited to see what she was gonna do. She was about to say something but I beat her to it." I am sorry for getting angry and you thinking you were the cause" I tell her.

"You scared me and I had been around an angry Alpha before and I was not wanting to stay around to see what was gonna happen so I ran," she tells me and fidgets with her fingers. A habit she has when she is nervous. I sighed "she thought you were gonna hurt her, "Axel said "I know and it hurts me that she thinks that, "I tell him.

" I got angry from the memory of how I got the scar. but I would never hurt you even if we ever fought"I tell her in hopes she would believe me."I know it's just a natural reaction and Winter scolded me for it so that didn't help. "I will deal with Winter while you make things right with our mate" Axel said.

I slowly stood up as October followed my movement I seen her flench and I knew Axel was scolding Winter for what she did." Hey, it's ok it's just Axel scolding Winter for what she did"I tell her and softly touch her cheek before I cupped it and she closes her eyes and leans into my touch which makes me happy.

She opened her eyes and went to say something but someone barged in. I looked up and glared at Stephine. "What do you want?" I asked "I was coming to see if you wanted to go have sex. But I see your little chick shit of a mate is in here" she said. I stood up and walked up to Stephine and grabbed her by her throat.

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