Part 22

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I couldn't for the life of me wipe the smile off my face once we left Dr.Carter's office."I can't believe it baby we are gonna be parents" Jagger said in excitement which only made me smile much more. "I know I am literately beaming, " I tell him "more like you're glowing baby."

I grabbed his hand as we got out of the car and headed into the pack's house to see what everyone is up to and to share the exciting news."Morning Luna and Alpha" everyone greeted us "hello everyone"we greet back.

"So what brings the two of you here to our neck of the woods?" Lucy his mom asked which made Fiona look up at us and smirk as if she knew our little secret already."Well if everyone would please come and sit at the table we have some great news for you all"Jagger said.

Lucy looks at us in questions but does as asked none the less, along with the rest of the pack that was not patrolling or busy guarding the prison cells. We stood next to each other as we waited for them to take their seats.

"Well everyone we just came from Dr.Carters and your Luna is pregnant with your future Alpha," Jagger tells them "And we are getting married"I add to the surprise. Fiona and Lucy jump up and run over to us squealing in delight and pulling us both into big hugs then swapping places. "Congratulations Alpha and Luna"The beta who I come to find out his name is Rex and his mate's name is Chole.

"Thank you, Rex," we said and welcomed him and his mate up to hug us than some of the other pack members that wanted to. Half of them just did a little bro shake and a smile to me while some of the girls Kelly mainly snarled at me.

"I would watch how you look at your Luna Kelly. I am not afraid to toss you in a cell for disrespecting your Luna" Jagger said  "that goes for you other girls who snarled in disgust" he said to the others they quickly bowed in submission followed up with " sorry Luna and Alpha."

"Forget them and let's go celebrate," Fiona said but not before she shot them, girls and Kelly, a look of warning. "Ok sure, "I said and looked at Jagger who nodded in agreement. "Look at her being all weak and shit"Kelly whispered but I still heard and from the looks of things so did jagger.

But it was Axel who was in control. "Jagger warned you, Kelly," he said as he grabs her roughly by her arm yanks her up and walks out of the house with her. I stood there in shock from Kelly's words."Hey, October"Fiona and Lucy called out and snapped her fingers in front of my face.

I snapped out of it and looked at them."Sorry" I said "its quite alright dear,"Lucy tells me in assurance. I nodded my head and we start to walk out the door just as Jagger makes his way back to us."Are you ok baby?" he asked, "yea I was just shocked by her harsh words." I tell him as we all get into the car.

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