Part 11

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"Octorber hunny please come and eat, "Jagger's mom said so I circled my previous word "I am not hungry" and slid the paper under the door. She said "listen Jagger told me what happen when he came to me for advice. I told him that he should have handled it better then what he did" she said then walked off.

I pulled the paperback with the pencil and sat there. I waited a few minutes before I headed into the bathroom stripped down and got into the shower and cleaned up. It was then that my stomach decided to make a growling sound.

I stepped out of the shower after turning the water off and wrung the water out of my hair. Then proceeded to dry off and lotion my body down before I walked into the bedroom. I looked and seen Jagger so I quickly went back into the bathroom and shut the door.

 "I am so sorry October," he said, "what did you see?"I asked "I saw nothing "he replied. "You swear?" he sighed and from the sound of things he got up off the bed and walked out of the room closing the door behind him. I opened the bathroom door and peeked out before I fully opened it and walked out seeing he was gone I walked to the closet and grabbed some clothes.

Once I was dressed in the clothes that Jagger's mom had taken me to get a week after I had awoken in the pack. I made my way out of the room and down the steps and into the kitchen where I saw Jagger's sister sitting with her mate. So I retreated to give them some space.

"Nice of you to join us" I jumped and looked at who spoke."I am sorry to scare you I thought you heard me come in"Jagger's mom said I picked up the blank paper on the table that they had set there for me when I was downstairs and people would talk to me. I jotted down my reply and showed her.

" It's ok " I had written. She nodded her head and took a seat next to me. "I don't think I ever told you my name," she said and I shook my head." How horrible of me," she said with a smile which I returned. "Well my name is Lucy," she said  I smiled then scribbled down what I wanted to say. " It's nice to meet you. Well more now that I know your name and can stop calling you Jagger's mom"I wrote and she laughed. I smiled and turned the notepad to the next clean sheet.

"Nice to meet you too again," Lucy said I grinned and started writing. "What is your daughter's name?" I asked "her name is Fiona" she answered, "Like princess Fiona?" I asked chuckling Lucy nodded her head.

The scent of Raspberries filled the air so I turned to see who it was and I saw Fiona standing there. I smiled and waved to her she replied with a smile and wave of her own before she walked into the living room and joined me and Lucy.

I wanted to ask where Jagger's and Fiona's dad was but I was not willing to go through what I did when I asked a simple question.

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