Part 10

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I took off as Jagger called after me telling me to stop but I ignored him and ran into an empty room and locked the door and backed up till my back hit the wall. I slid down and watched as jagger Banged against the door.

"Let me in October," he tells me but I shake my head as if he could see it. "Baby let me in," he says in a softer voice but I stay right where I am not moving except breathing. "Hey it's ok October he is not mad at you," Winter said.

"Shut up Winter your the very one that said he was angry so don't go and say he isn't, "I tell her and she whimpers and goes away to the back of my mind. I listened as Jagger begged me to let him in but I was not wanting to be around him right now. I don't care if the mate bond is wanting me to be with him.

He scared me and I am not gonna be around an Alpha that is angry. I have learned my lesson so many times before. I heard the knocking and begging stop as he gave up on getting access to the room I am in.

I fell asleep in the upright sitting position. 

When I woke the next day I slowly stood up and quietly made my way over to the door. I was careful when I opened the door. I looked both ways before I seen Jagger laying on the floor sleeping. I walked out and made sure to stay quiet so I wouldn't wake him up. But he started to move so I took off up the stairs.

He called after me but then Nikolas appeared and started talking to him. So I slowed down and headed to my room when I bumped into someone. "Oops I am so sorry Luna," they said I looked at them and seen a young girl. I waved the incident off and she smiled understanding my gesture then nodded and walked on past me and I went about my way.

Once I was in the room I shut and locked the door then went and blocked the other door and sat on the bed. "Look October I am sorry. I should have known better than saying what I did"Winter said which made me jump since I didn't think she would talk to me any time soon after I jumped on her for what happened.

I sighed and she went back to her place in my head as I looked down at my hands and started to fidget. "I am so stupid, I should have never asked that question, "I say as I scold myself for my stupidity.

I fell back against the bed and stared blankly up at the ceiling. A soft knock came so I looked for some type of way for me to reply. I saw a piece of paper and a pencil so I got up and grabbed it. "Luna Breakfast is served," they said so I replied " thank you for telling me but I am not hungry" and slid the paper under the door. I heard them walk off so I used the pencil to slide the paper back to me and I sat next to the door.

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