28 (Edited)

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It had been a couple of days since I and Oli had gotten back from Fiji it was now Monday.

Oli had gone back to work, and I had a meeting today to start the wedding planning process.

The first meeting I had today was with a friend that was a wedding planner which was very convenient.

We decided we'd meet up for lunch so we met up at Olive Garden.

By the time I had gotten there, she was already there at the table waiting for me.

"Hey! How are you?" I asked as she got up and we hugged.

"I'm good, how are you?" Maya asked as we sat down.

"I'm great, life has been pretty good lately." I smiled.

"I bet it has been, getting engaged and all." She said winking.

"Well, we can order our food and then start deciding out plans." She said.

We figured out what we wanted and ordered.

We got our food and began to look over everything for the wedding.

"So have you figured out what you're color scheme is going to be?" She asked.

"Yes, navy blue, gray, white, and then silver for an accent color," I said.

"Good choice those colors work really together, also have you guys decided on when you'd like to get married?" She asked.

"Well, that's what I wanted to ask you, we originally said in about three months. But we're anxious to get married so how quickly can we plan a wedding?" I asked.

"Well, I think the earliest we can shoot for would be January." She said.

"So next month?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think the best date would be the 15th it's just after the holiday's everyone should be back from vacations." She said as she looked at her calendar.

"Okay, let me call Oli and see what he says," I told her as I pulled out my phone.

"Hey, babe I'm with Maya right now and I asked her how quickly we could plan a wedding and she said the earliest we could shoot for would be the 15th of January, so would that be fine for you?"
"Heck yeah! The sooner the better!"
"Okay, sounds good I'll see you at home later."
"Okay, I love you il mio amore."
"I love you too babe."

"Okay, he's on very much on board with that date." I chuckled.

"Okay, well I do advise you to find your wedding dress as quickly as you can just in case there needs be any dress alterations," Maya said as she reached for her purse.

"Here's a business card for a wedding dress boutique, call her as soon as you can she's a friend of mine and can get you a dress pretty quickly." She told me.

"Okay, thank you so much, Maya, you've been a big help to me I'll see you soon to go over more plans," I said as we had stood up and hugged once again.

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