58 (Edited)

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It was now the day of the proposal and I decided I'd just picked Riley up from their house to go out.

Because Michael has texted me asking to take her out to get a dress, so I had just left our house to head to theirs.

I texted Riley letting her know that I was here.

I saw Riley coming outside walking to the car.

"Hey, Riley how are you?" I asked her once she was in.

"I'm good, how are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm good, where's Michael at?" I asked her.

"He said he was going out with his brothers and some of their friends." She explained.

"Well, I guess that works out that you're out with us today, which I actually wanted to run something by you," I explained.

"What's up?" She questioned.

"Well, I just made new presets for my photography business but I want to test them out before I actually use or sell them so I was wondering if we could have a little shoot and I'll buy you a dress today when we go out I'll do your hair and makeup as well," I explained hoping she'd say yes because otherwise, I have no idea how to get her to buy a dress today.

"Yeah, that sounds like a lot of fun when do you want to do it?" She asked.

"Maybe today? After we're done shopping we can go back to our house and I'll do your hair and makeup and we'll go somewhere and take some pictures." I once again explained.

"Yeah, that sounds great I'll just text Michael and let him know what's going on." She said.

We'd finally gotten to the mall when I quickly glanced at Riley's nails and she didn't have them done.

"Hey, Riley, before we start shopping, let's go in here and get our nails done," I said as I grabbed her arm.

"Okay, I'm mean it's just a test shoot do they really need to be done?" She asked.

"Well, if they turn out good you'll want them to look nice." I pushed hoping she'd just go with it.

She just nodded and I let out a sigh of relief that she didn't question it any further.

We went in and got our nails done and we both just got a nude color as we didn't really want anything too crazy.

"Okay, let's go find you a dress," I told her smiling as we got out the nail shop.

We went to three or four different stores and we didn't really find anything that either of us liked.

So decided to try one last store which happened to be David Bridals since we happened to have one in our mall.

We were searching through dresses when I saw one that I thought match Riley really well it was very simple but I knew she would look beautiful in it.

"What about this one? Would you wear this one?" I asked her holding it out to her.

"It's so pretty I definitely would." She smiled as she took the dress in her hands.

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