54 (Edited)

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Today was definitely going to be a dreadful day as it being Paisley's funeral.

Since Oliver and I wanted this to be a celebration of her short life we told everyone to dress in bright colors not black like a typical funeral.

So Oliver had dressed in a white and a pink button-up shirt.

I, on the other hand, had on a pink dress on with my hair curled I really just wanted this day to be special for Paisley I wanted this day to honor her in the best way possible.

Everyone close to us was here including, Colton and Hailey with their kids were here, Bentley and Sadie and their kids were here, Peyton and her kids were here, and then Riley and Michael were here, and of course Greyson and Maya were here, and then lastly our parents were here.

We all were outside much like when we were announcing her gender, but this time everyone was holding pink balloons.

Oliver and I were standing in front of everyone our arms around each other. "Oliver and I want to thank all of you for coming here today to celebrate Paisley's short little life even though none of us got to really know her she brought so much happiness to all of our lives so this is why none of us are wearing black only bright colors because this shouldn't be a sad event it should be happy one much like when we were finding out her gender," I spoke to everyone.

"So Evelyn and I both have speeches to give to our little girl and then if any of you would like to say something you can do so after us," Oliver explained.

Oliver had reached into his back pocket pulling out a little piece of paper. "Beautiful Paisley, I love you so much. I wish more than anything to hold you in my arms once more, but instead, your mom and I grieve together, celebrating the fact that you are now resting in your heavenly Father's arms. It's not fair that I can't have you here right now, but all I can do with the strength in me is to thank God for the time that he did allow me to spend with you, and that I was able to hold you in my arms. I love you today, and every day until I see your beautiful face again when we will spend an eternity together. Until then my angel, continue to watch over us and your future siblings. We all love and adore you forever." He spoke and by the end of it he was crying but all of us were.

I unfolded the piece of paper in my hand. "From mommy and daddy, my beautiful Paisley, your daddy and I could never express with words how immense our love is for you sweet girl. Since the day God began to mold you within me, you were cared for and loved beyond any measure. You are more valuable than the greatest treasures, and I know that you felt our deep love for you each and every day. It's not goodbye forever, just for now, but what It does means is that we will not miss you every day until we come home to hold you in our arms once again my little princess. Thank you for the time you gave us to cherish you here, mommy and daddy love you so much. You went to heaven at just 22 weeks old at 2:20 am on May 16th, your length was 9.25 inches, your weight 9.5 ounces. And perfect as ever." I'm sure towards the end of that you could barely understand me because of the sobs that were racking through my body, and Oliver at that point had wrapped his arms around me.

He moved his mouth near my ear. "I love you babygirl so much I'm so proud of you." He whispered.

I moved my mouth to his ear. "I love you too so proud of you too," I whispered back.

We pulled away from each other for a moment to look each other in the eyes he then met his lips with mine.

Everyone said a few things about Paisley and then after that, we all got ready to release the balloons to her.

After the balloon release, we all went over to the patio and had a little cookout celebrating this day.

It was a couple hours later when everyone left and it was just Oliver and me.

"I feel like we really celebrated her life, yeah we all cried but still think this day was happy like we wanted it to be," Oliver said when he came to sit by me on the couch.

"I do too I think she'll be proud of us I think we honored her in the best way possible," I told him as leaned up to kiss him.

"This day is supposed to be a good day so let's play some video games." He said as he stood up walking over to the tv turning it up and setting up the game.

He came back over to me handing me the controller, and thats how we spent the rest of the day playing video games laughing and enjoying each other while our little girl looked down at us.
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I know it was still sad and the next few ones will be.

I definitely got a little teary eyed while writing this one so if you did to your not the only one😂

Anyways I don't want to make this to long so I'll end it, here again, I hope you enjoyed!!

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Love you guys to the moon and back!❤️🥰😘😍

THE MARINE IN COMBAT BOOTS. (Completed) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя