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Arthur definitely wants that emotional connection with his partner. After sex he would lay on his back while you lay beside him, curled into his side with your head on his chest and your arm draped over his waist. He would wrap his arms around you and hold you against him, stroking your waist and kissing the top of your head.


Dutch isn't always too affectionate after sex, depending what mood he was in, but he could be a real romantic when he wanted to be. You would lay on your side with him behind you, his hand caressing your body while he leaves gentle kisses on your bare shoulders and whispering sweet words into the crook of your neck or your hair. 


Micah isn't very affectionate after sex, he wasn't very affectionate at any time even if he did have his moments. He wasn't the type to cuddle but he did like to know that you were there. He wouldn't mind if you lay beside him with your arm over his chest, or he would lay behind you with his arm thrown over your waist.


Charles likes to be close to you and be able to hold you against him. You would lay facing him with your face practically buried in his chest with his arms wrapped around you in a safe and protective, but comfortable, embrace. His hands stoking your arms or back, kissing the top of your head gently as he tells you that he loves you.


Javier doesn't want to sleep straight away no matter how tired you both are, you would both lay facing each other. He would caress your body and you face while speaking quietly, complimenting you and telling you how much he loves you, speaking softly in Spanish. Smiling before kissing you sweetly but passionately. 


Sean didn't really care how you lay, which ever position you were in he would shower you with kisses and sneak playful touches, making you laugh when you slap his hands away. He would lay behind you and press kisses to your bare shoulders and back, or you would lay on you back while he practically drapes himself over you. Pressing gentle kisses to your stomach and chest, smiling at you cheekily.


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