Dutch Van der Linde: Coming Out

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Dutch Van der Linde & Daughter Reader
(Mary-Beth X Female Reader, if you squint really really hard)

Summary: you come out to your father.

WARNINGS: mentioned period typical homophobia

Word Count: 1800

You had known that you weren't completely 'normal' since you were a young teenager. You could see when a man was attractive but you were never actually attracted to one, you never found yourself wanting to be in a relationship with a man. You thought that you were just a 'late bloomer' as they called it. Then you realised that you had been wrong about that.

During your teen years it became very clear to you that you were attracted to women in the same way that you should be attracted to men.

It had taken you some time to become comfortable with your sexuality and to completely accept it. The world you live in isn't very accepting of homosexuals, they are seen as unnatural and deviant. Something that you knew was wrong. You knew that your love was just as natural and pure as anyone else's. You wouldn't let their intolerance, ignorance, and hatred convince you that you were wrong. You told yourself that you were just ahead of your time, it made you feel a little better.

You knew that you liked women and not men, you've known for a while now, but you had never told anyone that.

It wasn't an accepting time and you had no idea who would accept you and who wouldn't. You loved your father's gang very dearly but you knew that some of them wouldn't be too accepting of your news.

Dutch had noticed that you hadn't shown any interest in men, Hosea had noticed it as well. But none of them thought anything of it. Dutch just considered himself lucky that he wouldn't be losing his baby girl anytime soon.


You were sitting with Mary-Beth, enjoying the shade from the tree behind you both. She had been asking you if you were interested in anyone from the gang, you were still trying to convince her that you had never had a crush on any of them.

"Come on, you have never been interested in any of the men in camp? Not even for a day?" Mary-Beth asked, looking at you with a surprised expression.

"No. I have honestly never been interested in any of them" you shrugged, chuckling slight to yourself. The look on her face was just so amusing to you. What you said was true but if she had asked you about the women in the camp, it would've been a completely different story.

"Really?" she asked, seemingly not believing you.

"Really. I think that you need to stop reading those romance novels" you laughed again, shaking your head at her.

"I think you need to read more of them" Mary-Beth argued. You knew that she was obsessed with love stories and romance, so in a way in made sense that she wanted you to feel the same way about it all.

"I would but they don't really capture my interest" you shrugged honestly. You enjoyed reading and you had read a few romance novels but you just wanted a character that you could relate to.

"But some of them are just beautiful" Mary-Beth gushed before reaching behind her and grabbing a book. "Here, you should give this one a shot" she told you as she held the book out to you.

You sighed before taking the book from her hand, examining it before reading the summary. It wasn't exactly cutting edge stuff, it was a well told story. The classic Romeo and Juliette trope.

"Oh come on. If a 'devoted lawman' and a 'hotheaded female outlaw' can fall in love, why can't two men do the same? Or two women for that matter. It's more likely than these two falling in love with each other" you comment with a small laugh, quoting the descriptions that the book's summary gave. You placed the book down with disinterest.

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