Dutch van der Linde : Civil Agreement Part 4

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Dutch van der Linde X Female Gang Leader Reader

Summary: You get hurt and they don't know if you are going to make it.

Word Count: 2320

Things between your gang and Dutch's gang has been going well, everyone got along and worked well together. It was actually becoming a little rare for one member of your gang to been in Dutch's camp or the other way round. Things between you and Dutch had been going well as well. You both decided to keep your relationship casual, well you never really decided it, you just never addressed it. You were leaders of two separate gangs who worked together, occasionally you both got intimate but neither of you had initiated the 'what are we? what are we doing?' conversation.

Dutch sat just outside of his tent, you and a few members of your gang were meant to be coming by to talk about any new jobs but you were late. He thought nothing of it until he heard the sound of a horse hurrying up to his camp. He stood and turned to see one of the women from your camp, and it was obvious that she was worried about something. 

"Mr van der Linde!" the woman called, waving him over but seeming to be in too much of a hurry to climb down from her horse. Dutch furrowed his brow as he walked over to her, the commotion had caught the attention of a few other people in the camp. 

Dutch's face paled and his blood ran cold as he listened to what the woman had to say. You had been shot on a job, you were bed ridden and it wasn't looking good. They had a feeling that you weren't going to recover.

Dutch didn't waste anytime, as soon as he processed what the woman had said, he had mounted his horse and was making his way to your camp. Hosea and Arthur followed behind, arriving at your camp a few minutes after Dutch did.

The woman led Dutch over to your tent and let him inside before closing the canvas again and leaving you both alone, before guiding Hosea and Arthur over to the camp fire where they could wait.

Dutch stepped into the tent and frowned at the sight in front of him, once the canvas closed behind him he walked towards you. You turned your head to face him when you heard footsteps. "Good, she got you. For a moment I thought she wasn't going to tell you" you smiled slightly at him, not missing the sad way that he looked at you. 

As soon as Dutch saw you laying on the bed, on top of the sheets with a bloody bandage wrapped around your torso, he was filled with dread and sorrow. A part of him never thought that he would see you looking that weak, pained and vulnerable.

"You sent her to get me?" Dutch asked, trying to keep his voice steady as he grabbed a chair and pulled it up to the side of your bed, sitting down beside you.

"Yeah. They wanted to keep this inside the camp, in the family, y'know. I explained that we could trust you and that you were family now. Insisted that somebody bring you back here" you nodded, your hand coming up to rest on your stomach, away from the most bloody part of the bandage. "I need to talk to you, Dutch. It's really important" you admitted with a tired sigh. 

"What is it?" he asked, leaning forward and looking at you intensely which made you smile slightly.

"Dutch...if I don't make it I want you to take my place. They need somebody to guide them and I trust you to do that. They will follow you, do good by them, please" you asked him, reaching over to him and wrapping your hand around one of him. As soon as you finished your request you saw his face drop, clearly he didn't want to think about you dying.

Dutch was flattered, honestly honoured to have you request such a thing of him but he wasn't going to start planning your funeral. You were still alive and were going to stay that way. "You aren't going anywhere, they need you and you're going to be here for them" he assured you but it sounded more like he was trying to assure himself. He took your hand in his, giving it a light squeeze as he gave you a reassuring smile. 

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