They Propose to You

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Arthur often thought that you deserved better and even told you that once or twice, but you always told him that he was being stupid. He still sometimes thought that you deserved better but he knew that he still wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. So if you would accept him, he planned to marry you. When he proposed he didn't want to get his hopes up that you would say yes, but you did. Of course you did! And when you did he smiled at you like you put the stars in the sky, before standing up and kissing you as he slid the ring onto your finger.


Dutch was always the romantic, or at least he was good at acting like he was. He alwys knew just what to say to make you smile and make you fall for him. He always knew how to make you feel special and when he proposed he was no different. When he proposed he was charming and charismatic, made you smile and maybe even tear up. When you said yes he slipped the ring on your finger before standing up. He wrapped one arm around your waist and pulled you against him, his other hand cradling your cheek as he kissed you.


Micah wasn't one for grand gestures, he was never a fan of them and he knew that he wouldn't be good at it even if he tried. When he proposed to you he was a little awkward, seemed slightly dismissive of the whole thing but you knew that he was just protecting himself in case you rejected him. But of course you said yes, and when you did he smiled at you and slid the ring onto your finger. You found the little smile on his face rather sweet, you kind of liked seeing him nervous because you thought it was cute. You cupped his face as you knelt down in front of him and kissed him.


Charles always knew the perfect spot, no matter what it was for. Whether it was for a date or just somewhere to get away from camp, he always found the most beautiful places for it. And the place he chose for the proposal was no different, completely stunning and completely perfect. When he proposed he tried to keep it short and simple, knowing that you already knew exactly how he felt about you. When you said yes he slipped the ring on your finger, kissing you before you both sat together to admire the scenery with his arm wrapped around you and smiles on your faces.


With Javier it was never the place that made the moment special (even though he could pick some gorgeous areas), it was always his words that made you weak. When he proposed, he did it in a very romantic fashion. He knew exactly what to say to make you smile and make you blush, and you were pretty sure he enjoyed your reactions. Of course you said yes, and when you did he smiled and slid the ring onto your finger. He stood up from his kneeling position, cradling your jaw in his hands as he kisses you passionately.


Sometimes Sean's confidence could get him in trouble or give the rest of the camp a reason to tease him for a while. When he proposed he did it right in the middle of the camp, in front of every one, like he knew that you would say yes, because he was certain that you loved him as much as he loved you. When you said yes (thankfully not feeling pressured to do so due to your audience) he slid the ring onto your finger and wrapped his arms around your waist. He kissed you with a huge smile as he spun you around, before bragging about his new fiancée around camp.


Hosea always had a way with words, always had a way to make other people do as he said and a way to make you fall for him all over again. He was usually so confident but not in a way that seemed arrogant. When he proposed he still had a way with words but you could see that he was more nervous than he usually was, but as always he was the perfect gentlemen. When you said yes he smiled, letting out a small sigh of relief as he slipped the ring onto your finger before standing up. He took your hands in his and kissed you gently, both of you smiling at each other.


Kieran was a sweet man, at least he was to you, he was a sweet man who was aware of his own emotions towards you. But he could be a little shy or nervous, just another thing you thought was sweet about him. When he proposed he stuttered a little bit, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly and smiling to himself like an idiot. Of course you said yes and when you did, Kieran smiled even brighter, slipping the ring onto your finger before wrapping his arms around you and kissing you sweetly.


John loved you and he knew that, he had never felt so strongly for a person before and he knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. If you would have him, of course. He wanted to be a little romantic but already assumed that he would make a mess of it. When he proposed you wouldn't say that he was nervous but he did ask you if you thought he was being stupid. You just smiled and shook your head before agreeing to marry him. He smiled, more than you can ever remember him smiling, as he slipped the ring onto your finger and lent over to you to kiss you. Neither of you could stop smiling.


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