Sean MacGuire: Just Admit it

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Sean MacGuire X Female Reader

Summary: You have liked Sean for some time now but you never told him how you felt, mainly because Karen seemed to have her eye on him and you were afraid that you couldn't compete.

WARNINGS: smut, NSFW (later on in the oneshot and will be marked so that you can just skip it if you don't want to read it but still read the rest)

Word Count: 2600

You laughed as Sean sat down beside you, well more like fell onto the seat beside you. The gang was throwing a bit of a party to keep the morale high and Sean had been drinking, a lot.

"Hey Y/N! How are ya?" Sean asked energetically, leaning towards you with a goofy smile.

"I'm fine" you laughed, raising your eyebrow at him. It was more than obviously to you that Sean was drunk.

"Well, I'm happy to hear that! It's nice seein' ya smile, you're a pretty lass" he complimented, leaning back and holding his hands out to you, almost as if he was supposed to be presenting you to something.

"Thanks, Sean..." you smiled slightly, blushing at the compliment.

"Ah, no need to thank me, darlin'" Sean spoke drunkenly and loudly as he took another sip from his drink. You just smiled at him, you loved seeing him so happy even if he was drunk.

Your smile soon disappeared when Karen walked over and sat herself down on Sean's lap, with a drunken smile on her face. You nodded politely at her but quickly turned your attention to the fire, taking a sip from your drink.

"Ah, Miss Jones" Sean greeted her with surprise in his voice. His hands hovered in the air, one holding a bottle, like he was afraid to settle his hands on her.

Karen wrapped her arm around Sean's shoulders as she leaned her body against his. "Right, well, I'm going to turn in for the night. G'night, Sean, Karen" you nodded at them both before you discarded your drink and stood up.

Sean watched you with a sad look on his face as you walked away, you never saw the way that he looked at you but Karen did.

You had liked Sean for a while now, actually you were pretty sure that you were in love with him, and there were moments that you thought he felt the same way. You knew that Sean wasn't exactly a quiet or private person, he told everyone exactly what he was thinking all of the time. To Sean, nothing was too private to share. But he never mentioned anything about having feelings for you. Sean was the type of person who would declare his love for someone even if he was expecting rejection. So you figured that he wasn't interested in you.

Plus Karen Jones seemed to be interested in him. When she was sober she would hate him, if she knew about your feelings for him she would laugh at your for it. But when she was drunk she was practically attached to him.


The next day you were just doing some chores around the camp, you hadn't seen Sean since last night.  You sat with Mary-Beth, sewing up some of the men's clothes.

"Did you hear that Karen was turned down by Mr MacGuire" Mary-Beth asked you with a small hum, glancing at you curiously.

"What are you talking about?" you asked, the other woman suddenly having your attention. 

"Last night, Karen was trying to convince Sean to sneak off to one of the tents but he kept rejecting her" she explained with a shrug.

"Really?" you asked, not even noticing that you were beginning to smile. 

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