Micah Bell: Five Finger Frustration

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Micah Bell X Female Reader

Summary: Micah challenges you to a game of five finger fillet but you soon realise that he is better that you thought he would be. So, you go to some extremes to win the game.

Word Count: 1100

You were sitting in the camp, mindlessly sharpening your knife. It was a quiet day around the camp but, of course, Micah Bell couldn't just leave it like that. He had to disturb your peaceful afternoon.

Micah sauntered over to you, confident and cocky as always. You just wanted to slap that smirk off of his face, something about him always seemed so arrogant. "That's a real nice blade, I wonder if you know how to use it" Micah hummed, you weren't sure whether he was patronising you or just trying to bother you...probably both.

"I can assure you that I do" you smiled up at him sarcastically, a hint of a threat in your tone.

"How 'bout a game of Five Finger Fillet?" he suggested, pulling out his own knife and waving it from side to side beside his face.

"You're alright with parting with your money like that?" you asked, your own cocky smirk forming on your face.

"I won't be parting with anything, I plan on keeping my money" he assured you confidently.

You hummed as you pretended to ponder his offer for a moment. "Alright, Mr Bell, let's see how good you really are" you nodded, accepting his game invitation.

Micah sat down opposite you, eyeing you and your blade, before you both started to play the game. You were only a couple of rounds in and you had to admit that Micah was better than you expected him to be, in fact he was winning. You just could not let Micah Bell win.

You watched him handling the blade and smirked a little when you thought of the perfect plan to distract him. You finished your next round and placed your knife down before speaking.

"Y'know, Micah...you're a lot better at this than I thought you would be" you confessed, resting your chin on your hand and Micah started his round.

"Ya shouldn't underestimate me" Micah warned you without faltering with the knife.

"You've proven that. You have a very good...technique...that means that you're good with your hands" you hummed, your working making him glance at you, he was a little confused but he didn't falter. "Makes me wonder what else you could do with those hands" you shrugged softly, dragging your bottom lip between your teeth.

Micah finished his round and placed his knife down as you finished speaking. "That so?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at you. You hummed in approval before you started your round, him watching you intently. "I can assure you, there is plenty I am capable of" Micah told you but you didn't say anything as you finished your round.

"I don't doubt it" you smirked as Micah started his next round, this time you let him finish a whole round without interruption.

Just before you started your next round your foot 'accidentally' brushed against his, he didn't even glance at you and you assumed that he thought nothing of it. You finished your round and Micah started his. As his round went on, your foot started to casually brush his ankle before moving up his leg.

You felt Micah tense at the touch but he still didn't falter enough to mess up his round. The next couple of rounds went by like that in silence, your foot gradually raising higher and higher. By now, Micah was aware of what you were doing but he didn't said anything about it.

However you noticed that Micah had started to hold the handle of his knife tighter, his knuckles turning white, and that his body language was stiffer than before. He was on edge, which meant that what you were doing was working.

Micah started his next round and you gave him a second before brushing your foot up over his knee and to his thigh. He glanced at you but your face showed absolutely no hint of what you were doing under the table. If anyone had been watching the game, they wouldn't even know what you were doing.

Your foot slipped further up Micah's thigh and his technique faltered, the knife cutting his finger slightly. You smiled a little, he had lost the round but not the game. You would win, you just knew it.

"You won't distract me" Micah told you through gritted teeth.

"We'll see about that" you shrugged innocently, acting as if you weren't doing anything wrong.

During Micah's next round you decided it was time to go for the kill and finally win this thing. You rested your foot on the edge of his seat, right between his thighs. When you thought that the time was right you pressed the ball of your foot, lightly, against his crotch. A huge smirk formed on your face when you felt the obvious bulge in his pants, a part of you was even a little proud of yourself.

You almost forgot about the game for a moment until you heard Micah hiss, you looked at him before looking down at his hands. He had cut one of his fingers pretty badly when you did what you did. He was going to have to wrap that wound, if you were lucky he might even need stitches.

You pulled your foot away, like it hadn't even happened. "Well, would ya look at that. It seems like I've won" you grinned as you stood up and collecting your winnings, pocketing the money proudly. "Good game, Mr Bell" you smiled as you began to walk past him.

Micah was absolutely fuming and you loved it, you stopped walking just before you walked past him. You lent down to his down to his ear, a smirk on your lips. "Don't worry. I'm sure you'll have a chance to win your money back, Micah" you assured him, quickly kissing the side of his head before walking away, leaving Micah to fume by himself at the table. You just walked to another part of the camp, laughing softly to yourself.

Micah huffed to himself, slamming his blade down into the table. He knew that his face was probably a little flushed and it made him want to kill you.

It wasn't much of a choice but he decided that he would sit there and 'cool off' before standing up and leaving. He didn't need anyone to see the evidence of your teasing. You had left him in a frustrated state and you couldn't be more proud of yourself.


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