Dutch Van der Linde and Susan Grimshaw: Co-Parenting

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Dutch Van der Linde & Daughter Reader
Susan Grimshaw & Daughter Reader

Summary: You are the daughter of Dutch and Susan, from their past relationship. They don't always agree with each other and they often blame each other for your stubbornness and other traits.

(You're about 19/20. I did the math and I think it would make sense for their child to be about 19/20/21? in 1899. You choose)

Word Count: 1400

Being the daughter of Dutch Van der Linde and Susan Grimshaw had it's pros and cons. The pros were that you had two parents who loved you more than anything and would do anything for you, while the cons were that they argued about you most days since they had pretty different opinions on how to raise you. Despite anything that could happen, though, you loved them both very much.

You were conceived when they were dating during the early years of the gang. Since then, they broke up and Dutch has dated other people but Susan didn't seem too interested in dating again, she was more devoted to raising you.

You did inherit some of their, arguably, worst traits such as Dutch's insistence and Susan's stubbornness. Some times these traits were useful but sometimes it wound people up the wrong way. However, with traits from both of your parents, you knew exactly how to get things done quickly and efficiently. Dutch always told you that you were unstoppable.

Now, Dutch is with Molly O'Shea. You don't really have much of an opinion on Molly. You weren't very fond of her but you didn't really mind that she was dating your father. You knew that your mother didn't like her, mainly because Molly never actually did anything to help around camp and Dutch let her get away with it.


Dutch always tells you that you don't have to work around the camp, that you shouldn't have to since you are his daughter, but you wanted to work and help. Your parents were obviously both very involved with running the camp and you wanted to be apart of that.

Susan liked that you wanted to help around camp, she had even encouraged it. She didn't want you to grow up spoilt and relying on other people. She wanted you to be independent and even to be able to go out on your own one day.

Since your parents had different opinions on how to raise you, who you should act, what they should teach you, and how they should treat you, there was usually some sort of argument about it. Some passive aggressive comments, at least.

You sighed as you placed the crate of food down, wiped the swear off of your forehead with the back of your sleeve. It was a pretty warm day in the camp but, thankfully, you had just finished your chores.

"Y/N, I've told you that you don't have to do any of this" Dutch sighed as he walked over to you. You knew that he hated the idea of your working but you never really understood why, Hosea told you it was because Dutch pretty much saw you as a princess so he didn't want you to have to do anything.

"I know but I like to work" you smiled and shrugged slightly.

"I don't understand you" Dutch chuckled and shook his head.

"It's a good thing that she likes to work, it means that she won't have rely on other people. Anyway, it's better than having her sit around and not lifting a finger" Susan shrugged as she walked over to you both.

"I hope that isn't a sly comment about Molly" Dutch muttered. All you could think was 'oh god, here we go again'.

"Molly? Why on Earth would I be talking about her? But now that you mention it, she should start helping out around camp. Y'know, make herself useful" Susan shrugged, taking the opportunity. Susan often made comments about Molly and Dutch hated but you knew that he couldn't really argue with her.

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