Micah Bell: Con-Artist

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Micah Bell X Female Reader

Summary: The reader is a con-artist and needs to go to Valentine for a job and everyone is busy except for Micah so Dutch orders him to go with her. At the start he is very mean and cynical but after seeing her work, being so smart and calm, he falls for her. He invites her for a drink and, even if it was a bit of a mess for all the fights and drinks they had, she thanks him with a kiss.

F/N = Fake Name

F/L/N = Fake Last Name

Word Count: 2600

Micah definitely didn't want to go to town with you to basically be your bodyguard. Dutch had sent you on a job. You are a con-artist and a good one, Dutch had heard that some wealthy man was passing through town and had sent you to steal from him. He figured that the man, the target if you will, wouldn't pass up the opportunity to spend the night with a young woman such as yourself and you could use it to your advantage. Dutch had asked Micah to go with you in case things went south and you needed a gun on your side, and he only chose Micah because everyone else was busy.

There was an argument of course but Dutch finally convinced Micah to go with you, even after you told them that you would be fine on your own. Eventually Micah and you climbed up onto the wagon and began to ride into town, Valentine.

"You're dressed real fancy" Micah pointed out, glancing over at you and briefly examining your outfit. He had noticed that you usually dressed much fancier when you went on a job that you usually dressed around camp.

"Better for the job. People trust you more if you look like you have some money" you shrugged, explaining why you dressed this way. It was pretty simple really, it lulled people into a false sense of security.

"What do ya even do?" he asked, keeping his eyes on the road and the horses this time.

"I'm a con-artist" you told him, turning your head to face him.

"You flirt with men for money, so...you're a whore?" he asked, scoffing slightly.

"I'm not a prostitute. I don't sleep with men for money. Not that I need to explain myself to you, but it's not always flirtin' either. It's just...acting and it works on women too" you explained, chuckling slightly. You weren't offended by the accusation but you did want to explain that your job was a little more than that, and a very different thing.

"Acting...sure" Micah nodded, still not really believing you but you planned to prove him wrong once you got to work.


Once you got into town you left the wagon and walked further into town. There were two saloons in Valentine, the larger one near the centre of town and a smaller one more on the outskirts of town. Dutch told you that this man would be in the more popular saloon so that's were you went.

You and Micah walked into the saloon and wandered towards the back, staying mostly out of sight. It wasn't hard to tell who you were looking for.

There was a man at the bar, very well dressed in expensive clothes. His dark hair was slicked back and his face was clean shaved. He sat with a glass of whiskey and was sipping at it, you noticed that their was a wedding ring on his finger and hoped that it wouldn't make this more difficult. He looked so out of place here.

"Alright, there he is. Make it quick" Micah huffed as he nodded towards the man sitting at the bar.

"Don't worry about me, just watch and learn" you smiled at him, brushing off your skirt and straightening your blouse. "Got a secret weapon" you winked at the outlaw as you tapped your blouse pocket. Micah just furrowed his brow at you before you walked away from him.

Red Dead Redemption II Preferences and OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang