Dutch Van der Linde: Our People

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Dutch Van der Linde X Female Latina Gang Leader Reader

Summary: Dutch, Arthur and Hosea run into a trap set up by a unknown gang, lead by you. You don't speak perfect English but you and Dutch decide to work together to get rid of a mutual problem.

Not really sure about this one but here ya go!

Word Count: 2400

Dutch rode with Hosea and Arthur, returning from a job well done. They were riding down a dirt path, one that was surrounded by trees. The three of them were sharing pleasant conversation until people started to emerge from the trees, rifles in hands. There had to be about a dozen of them.

The men and woman with guns surrounded the three men as they halted their horses. The three men glance at each other, wondering who these people were and how they were going to get out of this mess, they were more than outnumbered.

Their attention turned to three approaching horses, you sat upon the centre horse, a woman riding on one side of you and a man on the other.

"Espera un minuto" you called out to your people, telling him to hold fire and wait a moment. Your people followed your command but never lowered their guns, they all began to realise that a mistake had been made here. "Estos no son los hombres que queremos" you spoke, telling your people that these were not the men they you wanted. The wrong men had been ambushed. "¿quién eres tú?" you asked the three men, turning your attention to them.

"I'm sorry, Miss, but you're going to have to speak English. We don't understand you" the man in the centre told you, the one with neatly slicked black hair. You could hear the fake politeness in his voice, you weren't a fool. You sighed, you could understand English better than you could speak it.

"Who are you?" you repeated in English. Sometimes you forgot to speak English instead of Spanish, you always spoke Spanish better and your whole gang could speak Spanish so it was just natural to you.

"Ah, well, I'm Dutch Van der Linde. I'm sure there has been some mistake, we didn't mean to intrude" the man in the middle introduced himself before trying to talk himself out of the situation.

"Estás a la deriva terriblemente cerca de nuestro campamento, señor Van der Linde" you told them, even though you knew that they couldn't understand. You told them that they were drifting terribly close to your camp, but you had a feeling that they didn't even know you all had set up camp here.

"Didn't catch a word of that. These are my associates Hosea Matthews and Arthur Morgan, who are you?" Dutch introduced the other two men who were with him before asking the question.

"Déjalos ir, no son una amenaza. No son quienes queremos" you spoke to your people.

"What did she say?" Dutch asked quietly, looking over at Hosea, but you all heard him.

"She said to let you go, that you aren't a threat and that you aren't who we want" the man on the horse beside you told them.

Your gang was mostly made up of people who escaped Mexico in order to survive, they had nowhere else to go so they camp to you. Some of them didn't speak a word of English, which was never a problem. However, you had a handful of fluent English speakers in your gang, they help a lot with the translating and doing business with other English speakers.

"Aren't a threat? Hear that, we aren't a threat" Dutch laughed, looking between Hosea and Arthur. "And who exactly do you want?" he asked, turning his attention back to you.

Red Dead Redemption II Preferences and OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon