Dutch van der Linde and Hosea Matthews: Lucky Woman

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Dutch van der Linde X Female Reader

Hosea Matthews X Female Reader

Summary: The reader is a loyal member of the gang before and during the Blackwater robbery, but she gets caught by the law and they lose track of her. Once they find out she's expected to be hung in a nearby town, they go and rescue her and bring her back to safety. They both end up confessing their attraction, but she decides that their strong friendship would last longer than a romantic relationship with either one.

Word Count: 2230

You had known Dutch and Hosea for a long time, you all trusted each other with your lives and had been close friends with them since before Blackwater. They were your best friends and you wouldn't know what to do without them.

Dutch and Hosea loved you. You loved them too but they loved you in a different way.

They had been in love with you for a while now and you had no idea that they felt that way. They knew about each other's feelings towards you and agreed not to pursue you.

They didn't want to ruin their own friendship by fighting over a woman, they knew that one of them would be heartbroken if you chose the other, but they also didn't want to force you to choose between them or hurt one of them. They didn't want to do that to you or to each other.

When you got captured by the law while the gang was fleeing, Dutch and Hosea were distraught even if they tried not to show it. They tried to find you, the whole gang did, but they just couldn't find you and they completely lost you. Dutch and Hosea tried not to let their worry show but the whole camp knew that they were both scared for your well-being and heartbroken over your disappearance.

Dutch missed the way you would both talk about the books you were reading, the smile on your face and the glint in your eyes when you were talking about something you were passionate about. He missed watching you take control over a situation, like when the gang was arguing and you would just step up and set them straight even when he couldn't.

Hosea missed just sitting with you, reading together. Even though it was in silence he enjoyed it, it gave you both a place to go, away from the chaos of the camp. He missed the way you made him feel more relaxed just by being near him, he missed the way your smile lit up his day because it was definitely the most beautiful thing in his life now.

They missed just having you around, being able to go on rides with you, being able to go into town together, being able to talk to you. They missed you a lot and were afraid they wouldn't see you again, but they wouldn't give up on you.

Arthur had come running into the camp, carrying a newspaper. He pushed past until he got to the table that Dutch and Hosea were sitting at. He threw the newspaper own on the table between them. "Y/N is going to be hanged tomorrow morning" Arthur told them, pointing to the article in the newspaper. Dutch and Hosea both grabbed the paper at the same time, both on them tugging on it slightly in order to read it first. Dutch huffed as he released the paper, letting Hosea take it in his hands.

Dutch stood from the table and walked around to Hosea, reading the newspaper over his shoulder. "We've got to get her" Dutch exclaimed as he began to walk away, obviously in a hurry.

"Dutch, just wait a second-" Hosea sighed as he stood up from the table, following after the other man.

"Wait? They are going to kill her, Hosea" Dutch raised his voice as he turned around to face Hosea. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. You were in trouble, your life was on the line and Hosea was telling him to wait?

"Tomorrow, they are doing it tomorrow. We are breaking a woman out of jail, we need to be smart about this. We will do it tonight" Hosea shook his head, they couldn't just run into town with their guns blazing. It was likely to get you and the rest of the gang in trouble.

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