Dutch Van der Linde: Stitches

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Dutch Van der Linde X Female Reader

Summary: When you get shot on a job with Dutch, he is determined to take care of you. The whole thing making you both confront your feelings for each other.

Word Count: 2600

You and Dutch had gone out on a job together, the job took you quite a distance away from the gang's camp but neither of you had any complaints. You and Dutch were good friends so it was actually quite nice to just be on a job together.

The job had been going well, Dutch charmed his way through the town, which didn't surprise you at all. But then some O'Driscolls showed up, you assumed it was some sort of ambush that they had been planning to get rid of Dutch.

As soon as the gunshots started, you and Dutch hurried to take cover down the side of a building. Just as you were about to join Dutch down the side of the general store, a sharp pain shot through your leg. You grunted and hissed in pain and you stumbled, falling at Dutch's feet but at least you were out of the line of fire now.

Dutch's eyes widened as he helped you to your feet, frowning as you winced. You both looked down to see that your lower leg was bleeding, one of the O'Driscolls had shot you in the calf. luckily it was nothing fatal but it still hurt like hell.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Dutch asked as he wrapped an arm around your waist, helping to support you weight.

"I'll be fine but we have to get out of here" you nodded, knowing that you would have to both move quickly to avoid any more injuries.

You wrapped an arm around Dutch's shoulders, letting him assist you over to the horses as quickly as possible. He knew that you couldn't ride a horse in your condition so he unhitched your horse so that it could follow behind. Dutch held you by the waist as he lifted you up with ease, placing you on his horse. He quickly mounted the horse so that he was sitting behind you. He wrapped an arm around your waist before hurrying out of the town, escaping the rival gang members.

You were both too far away from the gang's camp, Dutch didn't want to risk making you wait that long before you got help. So, instead, he rode the horse into the next town over. He kept you safely by his side, practically dragging you into the saloon before he paid for a room.

When the bartender informed you both that the room was upstairs on the left, you just nodded through the pain but you knew that this was going to hurt. Dutch seemed to be thinking the same thing because, before you knew it, your feet were off of the ground. Dutch had lifted you off of the ground, carrying you bridal style up the stairs and into the room.

You were surprised by his actions but it made you laugh as he kicked the bedroom door shut behind the pair of you.

Dutch sat you down on the bed and told you to stay there while he went to get some things. You sarcastically replied that you couldn't really go far, he was not amused.

It wasn't long before Dutch returned with a bowl of water, a wash cloth, and some medical supplies. He placed them down in front of you before shutting and locking the door. You watched him as he returned to you, standing in front of you.

He looks at you for a moment before speaking. "Take your pants off" Dutch ordered, instantly making you laugh. Logically you knew that he was going to tell you to do something like that but it was still a little surprising and abrupt.

"You could at least buy me a drink first" you teased, raising an eyebrow at him with a small smirk.

"Y/N, seriously?" Dutch sighed and you stopped teasing him. You knew that he was just worried and wanted to help you, so you just did as he said.

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