Javier Escuella: In Your Defence

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Javier Escuella X Female Reader

Summary: The reader and Javier both go to the saloon and a group of men and women are making fun of the reader in Spanish (which she doesn't understand) and Javier defends her.

As always...sorry for any mistakes with the Spanish.

Word Count: 1060

Javier ushered you into the saloon, a smile on both of your faces and his hand on you back, in between your shoulder blades. Javier smiled at you as he encouraged you to sit down on one of the tables against the back wall. You chuckled when he sent you a quick wink before walking over to the bar.

You and Javier had been dating for a little but of time now and you couldn't be happier. You both always enjoyed getting out of the camp together, even if it was just to get a drink. It was nice to have some time alone, just you and Javier.

You smiled at Javier when he returned to the table, carrying two bottles of beer with him. He placed the two bottles on the table before sitting down opposite you.

"You okay, Javier? I know Dutch has had you run off your feet recently" you asked, taking a sip of your drink before looking at him sympathetically.

"Ah, please, can we talk about anything over than Dutch and jobs" Javier sighed, taking a drink. You knew that he had been tired recently, and you couldn't blame him, Dutch had been over working him. That's why it was so great to be able to get some time together outside of the camp.

"Of course, I don't blame you for wanting to forget about it" you smiled at him.

"Thanks, mi amor. Now, let's drink" Javier smiled brightly, raising his beer in the air towards you. You smiled back at him before tapping your bottle to his, both of you then taking a drink.

You both spent the next hour drinking and talking, laughing and forgetting about the stress of camp and the gang. You were pretty sure that you were both going to end up renting a room, so that you didn't have to go back to camp and so that you could both spend a little more time together. A little while ago a group of men and women came in, already tipsy and getting more drunk by the minute.

It was all fine until one of the men stumbled over to you both, he smirked down at you before turning to Javier. You just frowned and looked at Javier, waiting for the man to explain himself for interrupting you both.

"Cuanto cuesta ella?" the man asked, a slur in his voice and a smirk on his face as he looked down at Javier. You noticed Javier's face hardened instantly, obviously the man had said something to anger him. You didn't understand what the man said, you knew some simple Spanish phrases that Javier often used around you but you couldn't understand full sentences and conversations like this. Javier couldn't believe what he was hearing, how dare this bastard ask how much you cost like you are some object to be bought?

"Ella no está a la venta. Ella está conmigo" Javier spoke sternly, telling the man that you weren't for sale and that you were with him.

"Podríamos compartir, apuesto a que a esta perra le gustaría." the man shrugged, only smirking some more as he let his gaze roam over your body, making more than uncomfortable. You had no idea what they were talking about but you knew it wasn't good. We could share, I bet this bitch would like it. This man was beginning to make Javier feel sick.

"Escápate, nadie tiene que salir lastimado. Oh, y te haré daño" Javier suddenly jumped up to his feet, standing in front of the man and glaring at him. Still, you didn't know what they were saying but you were certain that Javier just threatened the man. And Javier did, he told the man that of he just walked away now, nobody would have to get hurt, and then basically promised that he definitely would hurt him.

"Vamos, solo estoy jugando. Aun así ... no me importaría pasar tiempo con ella" the man chuckled, shaking his head at and looking over at you again. You crossed your arms over your chest, his gaze making you shrink back against the back of your chair.

"Vete a la mierda" Javier snapped at him, grabbing the other man by the collar of his shirt, almost lifting the fool off of his feet. Your eyes widened as you stood from your chair, watching them carefully.

"Javier!" you gasped as he pulled his knife out of his holster and held it to the other man's throat. Javier muttered another threat to the man before pushing him away, causing him to fall to the ground.

Javier gently, despite his anger, took hold of your hand and pulled you away from the table and the man sitting on the floor.

"Javier, what were you talking about? What did he say?" you asked, wondering what had got him so worked up. Javier didn't answer you straight away, instead he leaned over the bar and quickly rented a room from the bartender. The bartender had seen the scene at the back of the room so he quickly placed the key in Javier's hand.

Javier took the key before turning back to you. "Nothing for you to worry about, hermosa" Javier assured you, his voice much softer than it was earlier. He gently cupped your face in his hands as he kissed you, sweetly and tenderly. You instantly kissed him back but it didn't last long before he pulled away.

Your hand was in Javier's again as he led you towards the stairs that led to the rooms, and you followed him without hesitation. He sent one last glare to the man who had been bothering you, the man had returned to the group of people that he arrived with. He was embarrassed that he was manhandled like that and seemed to be complaining to his friends. But Javier didn't care, he just gave your hand a reassuring squeeze before you both disappeared into a room.

There was noway that Javier was going to let that man talk to you like that, like you were some cheap whore. No, you meant far too much to Javier for him to allow that.


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