The Van der Linde Gang: Family Part 2

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The Van der Linde Gang & Teenager Female Reader

Summary: you are kidnapped by some O'Driscolls and the gang work together to bring you home.

Word Count: 3200

Dutch made his way through the camp, he has been searching for you for a short while but he couldn't seem to find you. He kept asking other members of the gang if they had seen you but they all gave him the same answer. They haven't seen you all day. Sensibly, Dutch began to worried about your whereabouts, he had even asked Hosea and Arthur to leave the camp and try to find out where you might be.

Dutch's concern seemed to be contagious as the rest of the gang seemed to be getting antsy, all of them beginning to wonder where you are. Some of them were even getting ready to leave camp and search for you, but they saw Hosea and Arthur riding into the camp. So they decided to stay and hear what they had found out.

Hosea and Arthur quickly dismounted their horses before hurrying over to Dutch, who had started walking towards them as soon as he saw them entering the camp. "Hosea. Arthur. Have you seen Y/N?" Dutch asked, getting straight to the point. The looks on their faces didn't seem very promising in Dutch's opinion.

"Yeah, we found her...she was kidnapped by some O'Driscolls..." Hosea paused a moment before telling Dutch the news, knowing that he wasn't going to react well. You were like  a daughter to most of the gang, especially Dutch. You were definitely family.

"She was what? Shit. Do you know where?" Dutch asked and it was like they could see every bad thought running through Dutch's mind.

"Yes, we went to check if she was really there...we saw her, Dutch" Hosea nodded and Arthur nodded along with him. It killed both of them to see you being treated so badly by the O'Driscolls. Hosea had to practically pull Arthur away from the camp, since the younger outlaw just wanted to run in and get you out of there.

"I really don't like the way that you said that..." Dutch sighed, hearing the hesitation in Hosea's voice. "Hosea, come with me to tell the others, Arthur, grab your things. We are getting her back home, safely" he ordered. Arthur nodded and headed for his tent to grab this things, while Dutch and Hosea went to tell the others the news.


It didn't take long for everyone in the camp to receive the news, and as soon as everyone heard about what happened to you...they were furious. Everyone who decided to join the team that were leaving the camp to bring you back, hurried to their tents to grab their guns and anything else they might need. Once everyone was prepared, they hurried over to their horses and mounted up. Most members of the gang started getting impatient, telling the others to hurry up.

Once everyone had mounted their horses, they group of outlaws rode out of the camp, following Hosea and Arthur towards the O'Driscoll camp.

Dutch Van der Linde
Hosea Matthews
Arthur Morgan
John Marston
Charles Smith
Javier Escuella
Bill Williamson
Micah Bell
Sean MacGuire
Lenny Summers
Sadie Adler

These were the people who were hell-bent on bringing you back home. Those who remained at the camp, fidgeted nervously. They knew that they couldn't do anything and they tried to focus their minds on other things, to just wait until the others returned. But, no matter how hard they tried, their thoughts always slipped back to you.

As for those who were riding towards the camp you were being held at, there was no way that any of them were going to sit around while you are being held captive by some O'Driscolls. They basically were a small army, all with one aim in mind, to bring you home.

Red Dead Redemption II Preferences and OneshotsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara