Micah Bell: Only Human

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Micah Bell X Female Reader

Summary: Being friends with Micah is an interesting experience but nothing could have prepared you for what you would stumble across one evening...Micah Bell crying.

WARNING: toxic masculinity?

A little out of character but a cute idea.

Word Count: 2100

You and Micah have been friends for some time now, but it wasn't exactly an easy road to where you both are now.

Usually Micah wasn't the type to have friends and he liked it that way but you seemed pretty damn determined to befriend him. He definitely didn't understand why and he always pretended to be annoyed by it but it actually intrigued him. Nobody had tried to befriend him before, and he didn't blame them, but you did.

You were kind to him but didn't let him walk all over you, you told him where to go when he was stepping out of line. You laughed at his jokes, which most people didn't even realise were jokes in the first place but you did and you seemed to enjoy them. Actually, you seemed to genuinely enjoy his company and to genuinely care about his well-being. All of this was completely foreign Micah.

Despite all of Micah's resistance, he had became fond of you and found that he enjoyed your company as well.

The two of you became good friends but then another curve-ball was thrown at Micah, it turns out that he had fallen for you. He tried to deny it, a lot, and tell himself that you were just his friend and that was as deep as his feelings for you ran.

However, no matter what Micah told himself, it had become painfully clear that he had fallen in love with you. It sickened him.


It was late one evening and you were going for a walk in the woods near camp, just enjoying some peace and quiet. As you were wandering among the trees, you heard something. You weren't sure what the sound was, but you were pretty sure that it was either a person or an animal.

Curious, you walked closer to the sound, making sure to stay quiet so that you didn't startle whoever or whatever was making that noise. Then you heard...sniffling? Was somebody crying?

Growing more concerned and curious, you continued to get closer to the noise. You wondered who it was and why they were crying out here, were they injured?

You froze completely when you found the source of the sound. Micah was sitting against a tree, just crying. His hat was on the ground beside him and his hair was hanging over his face as he hung his head, but you knew that it was him. He covered his face with his hand, running the other hand through his hair before just continuing to cry.

You were in complete shock, you had never seen Micah cry before, in fact, you had never seen him show any vulnerability. You had been pretty sure that Micah Bell had never cried before in his life but now you wondered just how sad he truly was. You wondered how many times he had broken down like this, how many times he just couldn't hold it all in any longer. You wondered how many years of pent up emotions Micah was releasing right now.

You knew that nothing had happened recently that would hit him this hard, nothing that would make him feel like this, so you wondered if this was something to do with his past. His past was a topic that he often kept to himself and whatever small things he mentioned about his life before the gang weren't pleasant but he would always pretend that nothing about it bothered him. You knew that he was lying when he told you that he didn't even think about all of that stuff but now you were seeing just how much it must have effected him.

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